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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 331

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 331

TR Action 331

Publication Date: W/C 2021

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

Hi All,

This script is being written at the beginning of July, during the second week of Wimbledon. We probably all remember the torrential downpours that regularly bring centre court play to a halt. It’s not for nothing that the U.K. has at least 104 different expressions for rain. And yet, according to the Met Office, for July, in our part of Derbyshire, the 30 yr averages for July show it to be one of the warmest months with the most sunshine hours, the lowest rainfall and the fewest days for rainfall. Well, all I can say is that, for this year, on day seven of this month, July is heading for the wettest month. Not only that, but I have added even more expressions for rain – none of them printable! Nonetheless yesterday, all four wheels of my ‘six’ kissed tarmac for the first time this year. Roll on the sunshine. Please?

However, on with matters of the Derbyshire Dales. Things are almost getting back to ‘normal’ in these parts. Our June club night took place in person, sort of socially distanced outside at the Red Lion, Stonedge, with a very good turnout of 35 attendees with 11 TRs, unusually most being ‘sixes’ and with only one other, PennyH’s ‘five’. We did have a rather nice white Rover (P5?) with an unusual old reg number ending with ‘TR’, so I suppose this might just qualify as a TR. Included in the turnout were a good number of first-timers. Alan, with the Rover, Ian, who owns a red ‘6’ but has yet to bring it, and Phil and Jenny Kirk in their blue ‘6’. Welcome to all, and to anyone else new(ish). We hope that all were made welcome at the event.

June also saw our first Sunday run for a long while. Organised by Barry and HazelC at very short notice in lieu of Drive It Day, it started from our old haunt, the Amber, on a very sunny day and finished at the Railway Inn at Shottle, Belper, where the food served was highly commended. They had 11 cars and a Transit taking part, so a very good start to what hopefully will now be a continuous succession of events and Sunday runs until such time as winter sets in. A bit of late news regarding Barry and Hazel’s success at the Nottinghamshire Classic Car & Motorcycle Show at Thoresby Park at the end of May, where they won first place in the Best Sports Car & Convertible category, and then topped this with the award of first place as ‘Best Car in Show’ with their ’57 TR3a. Unless I’m wrong, (not unknown) Barry’s TR was a winner at Thoresby some 20 yrs ago and from then on, a serial winner at this and other regional car shows. Must be the wax he uses.

In terms of Forthcoming events, see the listing below, but, more importantly, keep referencing our calendar on the Derbyshire Dales webpages. It is intended that our monthly club meets take place at different venues to ‘test the water’ (i.e. beer) and to establish the suitability of each establishment until such time as we have our next AGM. A vote will then be taken as to the venue most favoured. Should be an interesting AGM!

Forthcoming Events

As things stand, 19th July has been set as the point at which we can relax many Covid restrictions, and hence many events which are currently held in abeyance can go ahead.

2021 Events:

11th Aug – Club Night: Venue to be determined.

5th September – Club Run, organised by Barry & Hazel Cockayne

8th September – Club Night: Venue to be determined.

3rd October – Last run of the season, organised by John Browett and Peter Callender

2022 Events:

10th to 12th June – TRs at the Palace. Derbyshire Dales Weekend based at the Palace Hotel, Buxton. Places available.

Contact Dave Worne: 01246 473979/07970 754030,


6th August - TR Register 50th Anniversary Celebration at the Manifold Inn, Hulme

End, nr Buxton. Two pig roast. Accommodation available in the inn, on

the campsite and at nearby in B&Bs – please book accommodation

directly with the proprietors.

Please note that the Derbyshire Dales Group 30th Anniversary

Celebration will also take place at this event.

Contact: Andy Holyoak email:

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times