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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 330

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 330

TR Action 330

Publication Date: W/C Mon 21st June 2021

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

Hi All,

Much is happening in the parishes of the Derbyshire Dales Group – too much happening, too little space, too little time! I’m writing this in mid- May; it has just been reported that this May is the wettest on record. But - this May is experiencing the single-figure temperatures associated with February, hailstorms more associated with March, and the heavy showers of April. Shakespeare’s ‘Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May’ might be appropriate if there were any buds on our ‘may’ - a.k.a. hawthorn. Fingers crossed that we will get the may blossom by June, so we can finally ‘cast our clouts’. For our here-and-now of mid-May, however, we’re just at the point where we have been released from lockdown, so our last (ever?) D.D. Group zoom meeting has been and gone, (thanks Jim & Chris T. for the quiz) and we can now look forward to our next group meeting being in person and outside. Albeit at the time of writing we don’t know where our ‘outside’ will be – we still have to find a permanent venue. Meanwhile our Derbyshire Dales members have been hard at work with some phenomenal projects. JimT’s ‘six’ is almost ready for launching – a bottle of champers (Prosecco) is ready for smashing across his bows, and we have DuncanR’s magnificent supercharged black TR2 undergoing a major internal fit-out. This car featured in a letter to TR Action 104 way back in Feb’93, when the then-current owner, a Tom Candish, presented a fulsome letter extolling the history of this car and its supercharger. The car, at that time painted white, had first been fitted with an Arnott blower; by ’77 this was worn out, and replaced by a Shorrocks blower. By 1987, when Tom Candish took the car on, performance was down and again requiring a major blower refurb. In his turn Duncan gained ownership around 2016, and since has had extensive refurbishment work carried out, including to the blower, so it will be interesting to hear from him the difference that this had made. Next on the list, JohnB has stripped his ‘new’ TR250 down to its chassis and is starting its total restoration. This is sharing space in his garage with his Healey 3000 and E Type. Similarly, PeterC has acquired a left-hand-drive TR250 - bought via on-line auction - and is beginning a progressive restoration. For the time being, the paintwork is ‘fair’, so he is concentrating on the mechanicals. His is sharing garage space with his TR7 and E Type, so life is getting crowded in some parts of Derbyshire.

Meanwhile, DaveW is working on his recently-acquired TR7, and finding a surprising number of parts difficult to source.

Future Events:

For now I continue to be reluctant to detail our forthcoming activities - too much is still changing and being cancelled. DaveW is keeping abreast of updates, so the best place to find out about our planned activities and venues is via our calendar on the Derbyshire Dales Webpages.

The first Club Night after receipt of TR Action 330 will be our BBQ Night, courtesy of DarrenS – so best be there, wherever ‘there’ is.

Of further good news is that the new vehicle museum in Ambergate is still going ahead, and should be ready by summer ’21. This is bound to be on at least one itinerary.

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times