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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 328

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 328

TR Action 328

Publication Date: W/C Mon 29th March 2021

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

Well, as I write, (mid-Feb) the temperatures outside are something like -5˚C, the windchill is something like -14˚C, the snow is axle deep, and boilerplate ice is everywhere on those side-roads where there is no salt. So, now let our Derbyshire Dales members tell me that they are continuing to drive their TRs through all weathers! (OK, I concede – it’s the salt wot keeps you indoors!)

Meanwhile, a very belated welcome to Andy Holyoak as East Midlands Director. Yes, I know that he has held that post since the AGM in November, but news travels very slowly across the Derbyshire hills and dales. And yes, I will read the TRR AGM minutes. Soon. Honestly.

Meanwhile, our WhatsApp group continues to be very active and lively, and long may it continue to be so. If you wish to join, drop Alan Jones a line ( At the same time our small but entertaining Zoom group helps to keep the Group connected. In this instance, if you want to join – or just sit in and listen – contact me on ( These Zoom meetings take place at 7.30pm on what should be our Club Nights (2nd Wednesday of each month) and will run until such time as we can reconvene our Club Night meetings, Which is when the Zoom meetings will become totally irrelevant (yippee).

In terms of projects, AlanW has just run up his nearly completed, refurb’d ex-USA TR6 fitted out with efi (electronic fuel injection) system – see photo. By the end of March this beauty will have been brought firmly back to the land of the living and be gracing the roads of Derbyshire, and, probably, half of Europe. SteveB’s TR250 is progressing on its way to refurb’d glory, although he’s thinking of next year before it’s back on the road. Not that this leaves Steve with any manner of shortage of toys to drive and play with. JimT, of course, is continuing to plough his very straight furrow, at the end of which will be yet another immaculate TR6 saved from oblivion. Jim used to say: “this year, next year, sometime”. Now it’s: ‘next year. Maybe”. Perhaps the Register ought to issue campaign medals to those who selflessly rescue derelict TRs and bring them back to better than new.

Meanwhile, not much else is happening hereabouts. Dave Worne is busy amending and updating an ever-changing Derbyshire Dales calendar. Of particular note are two events deferred to next year; the Derbyshire Dales Weekend at The Palace, and then the East Midlands Group Celebration of the TRR 50th Anniversary at The Manifold Inn. Put the dates in your diaries, but please keep a watching eye open for changes which will be posted on the Derbyshire Dales WebPages and the TR Register Website.

Future Events:

Patently, all meeting arrangements are subject to the vicissitudes of Covid and the wisdom and guidance of our leaders – both Governmental and club. However, when we can, Club Nights will take place, starting at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday evening of each month. The problem being, for those who can remember back to the time of legend and myth and just before the time of Covid, at our 2020 AGM, the Steering Group Team were directed to find another venue with all the bonhomie of The Amber but with more room, it had to be warmer, and (apparently) just as importantly, cheap beer! Patently, with lockdowns being on and off and on and off and on again, your Steering Group Team have failed on this directive; a suitable venue has still to be found. Fear not, as soon as we can, we will be off on our travels yet again vetting what would appear to be suitable locations. Hence, dates for Club Nights are given below, but no venue. Equally, the start point for Sunday Runs, when organised, may vary from run to run, so please keep up to date with our Webpages, WhatsApp and emails.

Wednesday 14th April

Club night - Start 7.30pm.

Sunday 25th April

Drive-It-Day. Start from The Amber, lunch at Alison House.

Wednesday 12th May

Club night - Start 7.30pm.

Wednesday 9th June

Club night - Start 7.30pm.

Friday 11th to Sunday 13th June

TRs at The Palace, Buxton – Derbyshire Dales Weekend.

This event has now been deferred to next year; The Palace will carry forward and honour all bookings. Dates to be advised.

Contact Dave Worne:

Saturday 21st to Sunday 22nd June

The East Midlands Group joint event to celebrate the TR Register’s 50th Anniversary has also been deferred to next year. Dates to be advised.

Contact: Andy Holyoak ( or Dave Burgess (

For more events, and a full 2021 Derbyshire Dales calendar, please see our webpages

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times