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Social Scene Report - TR Action issue 325

Social Scene Report - TR Action issue 325

TR Action 325

Publication Date: Mon 2nd November 2020

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

This was written at the end of September, when we had just past the Autumn equinox, the ‘dog days of summer’ were long past and when high summer had matured into very mixed weather. Not for nothing is August considered the month of highest rainfall. Then early September brought storms Ellen & Francis with high winds and sheeting rain. At last came the long-promised sunshine, which brought the heathers of our moors out in their glorious purple. Short lived maybe, but worth a journey.

This, combined with the easing of lockdown, gave plenty of excuses for our Derbyshire Dales members to get out-and-about in their TRs. Not in groups or convoys, out of respect to the TR Register’s and the FBHVC’s recommendations, but in small ad-hoc groups. Barry & Hazel C have certainly been out and about in their two TRs, making much of the sunshine when it happened.

A few cars did gravitate to the Red Lion on what would otherwise have been our Club Night; as with all other TR Register groups, formalised meetings have been put on hold for the foreseeable future, but nonetheless for those who just happened to be near the Red Lion that evening, it was a good opportunity to sit outside and to meet up again – all socially distanced, of course.

Our photo shows a collage of projects currently running/just completed by the Group. SteveB’s work on a friend’s E-Type is nearing completion, with his red ‘250’ still being side-lined; JohnB’s ex-USA ‘250’ is in serious need of remedial bodywork, so not quite as good as the photo might imply but a good project to look forward to; AlanH’s TR4-now4A is properly on the road; and JimT’s ‘6’ is looking splendiferous and much too good to eventually get dirty. Perish the thought.

Meanwhile keep safe, keep well, and keep your TRs away from the salt.

Forthcoming Events:

As such, there are no forthcoming events to speak of. Until further notice all of Derbyshire Dales Group’s planned events for 2020 have been removed from our calendar.

Derbyshire Dales Group

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