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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 322

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 322

TR Action 322

Publication Date: Mon 22nd June 2020

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford reports:

There is a slim possibility – a very slim possibility – that by the time you read this we will all be driving our cars under the blue skies of midsummer in a frenetic attempt to catch up on all the missed opportunities snatched away from us in spring and early summer. More likely, however, many of us will still be subjecting ourselves to voluntary isolation and still sitting out the pandemic. Either way, we hope that you all are still well.

At the time of writing (mid-May) the lock-down restrictions have just been eased, and what had been a very quiet Derbyshire Peak District of empty roads and car parks has suddenly become popular and busy again. It would be selfish of us to resent the intrusion of all these visitors; we know all too well that we are very fortunate and privileged to live in such a beautiful part of the country. It was nice to have the place all to ourselves tho’, in what felt like a private fiefdom.

All of which goes to say that there has not been much happening within the parish of the Derbyshire Dales Group. April & May’s Club Nights were cancelled, and ‘Drive It Day’ came and went somewhat unremarked; however the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs’ initiative of having a ‘Drive at Home Day’, whereby participants took photographs of their classic car parked on their drive – or still in the garage if necessary - with donations and collections in aid of an NHS charity, was brought to our attention (thanks ChrisT) and fourteen of our members took part. The photo collage shows some of the photos submitted with a few in partial stages of restoration and refurbishment. In my case my ‘6 was minus seats and trim, so I had to sit on a pile of blankets in order to be able to drive it out of its garage. Surprisingly difficult with no back support; it felt good, tho’, to get it out into the sunshine, even if only short while.

Meanwhile I’m sure that many of you will still be turning out to clap and applaud our NHS, Social Care and Essential Workers for their efforts in keeping us all going through this pandemic. Personally I think that we should all give an extra clap for the benefit of Jo and Wayne for keeping the TR Register office going, (Sue is on furlough, but she deserves a clap anyway) and to Wayne and Nicky and the staff at the printers for continuing to produce each of the copies of TR Action – not to mention all the myriad of jobs and initiatives that they have kept going to help keep the Register what it is.

If normality has not returned by the time of this copy going to print, I’m sure it soon will; in the meantime please keep safe, keep healthy, keep the TR ready to go.

Forthcoming Events:

Until further notice or subject of specific mention, all of Derbyshire Dales Group’s planned events for 2020 have been removed from our calendar

Derbyshire Dales Group

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