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Newsletter (Round Robin) April 2022

What a great club night with Bob’s quiz (not just because Sally and I won the prize) but a mix of car / general knowledge and geography questions - thanks Bob.

Now to business

1) Bob’s April Showers / Drive It Day Run is on Sunday 24th of April, the start will be in Tesco’s car park at Bury St Edmunds IP327JS with a start time of 10.30 am - please please let Bob know if you are going as he needs the numbers for the lunch venue he is on 01284-768127 or - also the Drive It Day Rallye Plaques are available from the register at £10.00 each, mine is already on the 6. Drive it Day Plaque

2) Shows - whilst Culford is now booked up for our Group you can still enter for Helmingham on 07-08-2022. This is probably the best show in the region if you wish to see some really special classics, it also has the benefit of the gardens to wander around, a true delight, and food stalls including the best ice creams you can imagine with live music etc. Please let Peter Hudspith know on 01440 707847 or

Euston on 12-06-2022 I am still awaiting entry forms but a good family day out in the past - I will let you know as soon as possible.

Henham Steam Rallye - still waiting to see if this is going ahead on 17/18-09 -2022

Knebworth 29-08-2022 entries are open please contact Peter as above, last time I went there with my Dolomite sprint so probably had both hair and a waistline!!

3) Finally TS2, we will have the car 3rd of August at The Manger, I have 2 spaces possible if you wish to drive this car - it’s probably the once in a lifetime opportunity. On the 4th we will be in the Ipswich / Woodbridge area with maybe one more space available as we should be having a photo shoot of the oldest right hand drive TR at - where better-than the worlds oldest garage that happens to be in our Group.

Please read this, and let us know if you wish to participate in any of the above

See 2022 Year Planner


Stewart Hurrell


Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times