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Newsletter (Round Robin) September 2021

Hello there folks just a note about the forthcoming events. In strict order they are:

1) Saturday 2nd of October we will meet for a picnic (forget cucumber sandwiches it’s probably going to be a thermos of soup and rolls) in Nowton park Bury St Edmunds, arriving at about midday, come on out for a blast in the TR, if not just turn up in anything, it will be good to see you.

2) October club night on the 12th will be a quiz with a difference. In the past we have had maestro Bob posing the questions, this time we have a secret weapon quiz master. Will Bob be able to prove that he is as good a quizzer (is that a real word?) as he is a setter of quizzes?

3) November club night on the 9th will be the AGM - yes I know we normally have it early in the year but I think that we need to have it now so that we can plan for next year as so many of us need to get out and about for runs and shows - my aim next year is to double my limited mileage. The current incumbents for shows, runs and quizzes are happy to continue although if you wish to stand for these positions please let me know. The one vacant spot (who called me vacant?) is for Group Leader. I know that I have said this in the past but my two years original plan has extended and we need someone with fresh ideas. If you are interested please let me know and I will of course give any assistance to the new Leader.

4) December meeting will be combined with the Christmas meal on Sunday the 19th of December at The Manger meeting at 12.00 midday, tickets are still available so give me a ring or e mail me to get a menu, prices and book a place.


Stewart Hurrell GL Abbott and Stour, 01787-282176,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times