Click here for the Inter-club International Weekend Tickets

Newsletter (Round Robin) August 2021

Get your diaries out because we have a date for the Christmas Meal. It’s a break with tradition as it will be on Sunday 19 December at midday to sit down at 12.15. In this way I do hope that we can travel to and from the venue - our normal meeting place The Manger Bradfield combust IP30 0LW – in decent weather, especially important if you are coming from further afield. If its really good why not come in the TR?
Places in the main restaurant are restricted to 35 so please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to join us. I will then be able to send a menu to you as I will be picking these up at the next club night.
See my contact details below, if I’m in the garage polishing my TR leave a message on the answerphone


Stewart Hurrell GL Abbott and Stour, 01787-282176,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times