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TRAction 313 - May 2019

Pre-view of content to be published in TRAction 313 - May Issue.

6's Sighted

With the weather giving some decent days our local TR population is coming alive. This last couple of weeks I have seen a green 6 with colour matched hood, a red 6 and most recently that rarest of sightings a 7. I cannot remember seeing any of these cars at a club night so if you are local and reading this do come along. With the lighter nights and warmer weather we should be able to partake in outdoor activities soon.

Thermostat Behaviour

My own TR has been out and about. Having changed the thermostat and replaced it with the standard 82c(180f) item I do notice that outside temperature is very critical to the temperature shown on the gauge. It seems that anything under 12 degrees outside means a slow movement on the gauge. Does anyone change their thermostats for winter/summer/standard settings and if so does it make that much of a difference?

Competition Success

February and March have seen members and ex members competing in local car trials. The first was at Hadleigh on 25th of Feb with glorious weather (coats were off by 10am) where David and Barry managed 3rd in class with Nick Davey winning Best performance Index. March 7th at Wattisfield proved more challenging in terms of terrain and weather change. One minute bright sunshine the next with so much hail that my coffee cup was filling up faster than I could drink it. David and Barry 3rd in class again with Nick 1st in his class. Must be something in being or having been TR drivers!

Future Events

Club night every 2nd Tuesday of each month at The Manger.

30/Jun/2019 - Eastern Group meet at The Manger, an informal gathering we have a separate car park available. If you wish to book Sunday Lunch please phone The Manger on 01284-386516 and mention that you are in the TR Register.

Stewart Hurrell, 01787-282176 / 07758-086981,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times