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Newsletter (Round Robin) March 2019 #2

Its the start of the TR year

Dates, no not the Christmas variety that may be lurking at the back of the cupboard but the chance to get the car out.

1) 24-03-2019 East Saxons are having a Sunday Lunch at The Hurdlemakers Arms in Woodham Mortimer, thats on the B1010 Burnham Road or Satnav CM9 6ST if you would like to attend please ring Denis Parsons East Saxons on 01277-260736 or 07785-288164 or e mail to confirm that you wish to attend.

2) 14-04-2019 Bob's April Showers Run, bookings are being taken for our first organised event which has always proved popular in terms of route and lunch. Please contact Bob Bell on 01284-768127 / 07365-455855 or to ensure that you are entered.

3) 28-04-2019 Drive it Day, we shall be starting with a Breakfast meeting, then a drive that will finish at about 12.00 at Bressingham gardens and steam museum for coffee and cake, so something for everyone. We shall be joining other local groups there so come on and see long lost friends or make new ones. We will get reduced admission to the gardens etc at £7.50 per head if you wish to view these. It would be easier if you can forward these sums to me payable to TR Register Abbott and Stour Group in order that we can make a block booking. Start time and venue will be in the next e-mail so keep a look out.

As it has stopped hailing I may get the TR out.
regards Stewart.

Stewart Hurrell, 01787-282176 / 07758-086981,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times