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Newsletter (Round Robin) January 2019

Hello there all at Abbott and Stour. Trust you all had a good Christmas and that the last of the Turkey Curry and Toblerone have gone!

The main events for this year are on the calendar, some will be updated as soon as I have specific entry details from the organisers . However there are a couple that you may wish to think about now, they are:

1)April showers run, April 14th, organised by Bob Bell and a great drive in the country with meal. Contact Bob on 01284768127.

2)Drive it Day, April 28th,when we will have another run out meeting up with other groups at Bressingham Steam Museum, again with the availability of lunch en route. Please contact me to register your interest-01787282176.

3)West Suffolk Classic Car Run May 12th starting at Woodbridge Tide Mill and finishing up at Bentwaters for a tour around the museum. This will be the 3rd year I will be participating and if you wish to take part in a very well organised event along some of the best roads around then do try this. The entry forms should be available next month so keep a look out on the West Suffolk Motor Club website.

Next Club night will be 12th of February. Unfortunately I will not be there but to make ourselves stand out how about going in your favourite TR item of clothing and then explaining why it is special to the others!

And finally, depending on when you read this you will either have just enough time to book for this Friday "Not the Xmas Dinner Dinner" have a look on their website for the menu then ring The Manger 01284-386516,if not then I will tell you what you missed in the next missive.

hope to see more of you this year
regards Stewart

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times