Click here for the Inter-club International Weekend Tickets

Breakfast and other news

Breakfast and other news

First are two dates for your diaries. The next breakfast club will be 9.30 am on Sunday 25th of February at Wally's café ,Unit 1 Acton Place, Melford Road ,Acton BridgeCO10 0BB(there are two entrances to the estate the one you need is the second one if coming from the A134).This has been chosen as again the owner cooks the locally produced food and looks good value at about £6.00.Please let me know by midday Sunday 18th if you would like to come in order that I can advise her.
Second date is next Club Night 13th of march which will be a Bob Quiz ,these are always good fun stretching the brain cells so do come and have a go.

Now the news from last club night.

I have Business cards and leaflets advertising the Register ,and whilst these can be used at shows, if any member would like some to place on any TR's that they see out and about let me know.
Tickets for the International Weekend are now on sale at the TR Register Club Shop,start polishing as it would be great to have a large A&S presence in the concours and the Pride of Ownership..
Did you see in Hogan's bar mention of the coast to coast that may end up in Southwold, keep a watch for further details.
We have been invited to a new event ,a Heritage Festival at Burston near Diss on 27th of May,if anyone is interested please let me know. Also Race Retro ,the historic motorsport show is on at Stonleigh 23-25 Feb, dicounted tickets are available on

Although not a normal thing for them to do Lavenham Press(situated strangely enough in Lavenham) are willing to take a group of six people around the works to see how to produce a magazines(including ours).This will be during the week and would appeal to those of a practical nature .If you would be interested please let me know in order that I can arrange a date.

As well as our Bank Account which is basically used for the Christmas meal ,we also have as assets a horizontal banner and a vertical flag for use at shows along with the gazeebo, if you are attending an event and wish to borrow any of these please contact me.

Mention was made of the incredible amount of Technical Expertise we have in the Group which could help other member overcome problems, Peter Hudspith , Bob Bell and David Tydeman have all rebuilt cars and are happy to assist, is there anyone else out there who would be wiling to offer advice?. On this same vein we are collating a list of local suppliers etc who we have used and received good service from. Obviously no guarantees can be given and you will need to get their permission first, but if you know of such people let me know. Then ,if anyone needs to know where they can obtain good parts such as batteries/tyres or garage services we will have information available.

What do you want from this Group?.One member has already requested more runs out in order to use the car and meet other people, we could meet with other Groups or other car clubs in the area. Although we try to have something different at most club nights what would get you to come along? If you are the partner of a member what would entice you to one of our monthly meetings? Have you been once and not again ,if so why not? Have you ever been to a Club Night? Are you in the Register but attend other Group or Car Club events? Let me know so that we can incorporate new ideas into our meetings. With close to 100 members in this Group a club meeting with that number of TR's in the car park would be a sight to behold.
One area that has been lacking in our Group is the web page.This is due to my lack of computer literacy, but thankfully member Vince Baker has both the expertise and love of modern technology that I lack As he can access the Abbott and Stour site we are looking to do the following.:-

First,to update the Gallery which shows members and their cars at previous events, shows and club nights.

Secondly to have a rogues gallery of the committee in order that you know who we are. We could also build up a library of members and their cars in order to put names to faces. This could be very helpful as one of the ommissions from the members lists that we have is what TRs do they own! Of course no personal details would be shown ,just the beaming owners(with partners) and their pride and joy .If you did not wish to be in this then no problem just let us know .Another section could be a Trophy Cabinet of prizes won by members of which there are a number. As soon as we are able I will let you know what is happening.
As well as TRaction and this newsletter, how do you all feel about us having a Facebook facility, would this help in getting more members to meetings?
Yes there has been a lot in this edition but it is important that the committee know what the members want in order for the Group to grow.

There is also a Group Leaders meeting on Sunday 4th of March which I shall be attending so if there are any points that you wish me to raise there please let me know.
When I took over as Group Leader I said that I would do this for two years, as we are half way through my tenure,the time has flown, is there anyone out there who would like to think about doing it from January

2019-it will soon be here.
Finally, my apologies for being a day later than I said to members at Club Night in sending this,but yesterday afternoon and evening were spent on the car park known as the M25/M11(over 4 hours to get back from Heathrow) never mind Sally at least I took you out on Valentine'night.

Stewart Hurrell Group Leader

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times