Click here for the Inter-club International Weekend Tickets

Club Night

Club Night

First,,thanks to all who came out last Sunday to the first breakfast meet of the year.Not only was the food good but so was the social chat with two hours flying past.The next venue is still being investigated(this is not doing my waistline any good) and you will all be advised where and when in a separate e-mail.

Next club night is Tuesday 13th February at The Manger,Bradfield Combust IP300LW starting at 8.00pm,we are in the BACK ROOM.At this meeting we will be discussing where we go in terms of what do you as members want both in terms of activities and use of the Register's resources.For example do you use the Register website and,more importantly to the Group,do you visit our site,if yes why,if no why not.
Would you like to see more reports on what we have done,reports on members and their cars?
How about the names of contacts amongst Group members who may be able to help with that tricky TR related problem,and a list of local suppliers who have given good value/service.
This will be very much your night so come along to listen or make your voice heard.
Vince Baker will be our IT man of the night and will be showing us some of the options that we have with regard to the Register website.

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times