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Our Summer BBQ at Julian & Bev's home on Monday 27th August

Our Summer BBQ at Julian & Bev's home on Monday 27th August

Our summer BBQ was rescheduled at the last minute because the weather forecast for the planned day was appalling……..and for once, the forecast was accurate, so it was a good call to opt for the change. This meant that some folk who had been planning to be with us couldn't rearrange other plans and had to miss out, but on the plus side, others who wouldn't have been able to make the original date were able to join us. Rob & Sue were unable to come as they were nursing one of their Dachshunds that had to be stitched up after an attack from another much larger dog – hope said doggy's on the mend. So in addition to our hosts, Bev & Julian, the Tudhope 2, Nick & Jane, Alan & Kathy, Andrea & Pete, Irving & Caroline were present, plus some of B & J's friends.

4 cars set off from Whitchurch just after 2.15 after Dick had topped up with petrol and Irving had pumped up a tyre that had dropped to just 8 psi - ? slow puncture? We drove without incident through the Forest, and on north into Herefordshire to end up at J & B's house by around 3.30. Nick & Jane, and Caroline made their way direct. There followed over the next hours, chat, laughter and a very generous BBQ, accompanied by delicious 'nibbles' salads & pudds.

Now the focal point of the afternoon was Julian disappearing into his garage / workshop and firing up his TR4 restoration project. He bought the car in bits some 20 years ago, and has finally reached a point where he was able to drive it on its maiden voyage out of the garage. We had taken some photos 4 years ago on another occasion when J & B hosted a BBQ, which I've included in the gallery for comparison. Needless to say, the car caused a lot of interest/ excitement/discussion. I think it's fair to say everyone was very impressed with the work Julian's put into the car, and the way it looks now. J says he's hoping to use the car competitively in the future – we'll be there to support you Julian!

We began to wend our way home as the evening air cooled down, and dogs various needed feeding – it just remains to say a very sincere thank you to Bev & Julian for hosting our BBQ, and to those who contributed the salads, pudds etc.

Wye Dean Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760329
  • Mobile
    07831 456155
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