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Wye Dean news update

Wye Dean news update

News from Wye Dean

Our monthly get-together on Wednesday 15th was well attended with 17 present, including some members who are unable to join us very often, and a first time for Barry Edmunds who's moved to Builth from Lincolnshire, so will transfer to Wye Dean. As with many groups, our membership is spread over a large geographic area, so it's great to make contact with those we rarely see. We reverted to our usual base at Harewood End as the road delays seemed to be resolved. The noise of chat was pretty deafening, and as usual, ranged over many subjects.In particular, Irving was pleased to tell us he's solved the mis-fire problem that's plagued his car since it came back to him after its repair / rebuild following theft of same….(don't ask me for details, I expect John Williams will mention those in his editorial for TRaction). He had a superb 4 weeks touring many European countries beginning in Denmark – and eventually covered around 3500 miles. And if that's not enough, he's setting off to USA to visit family in September.

We called 'order' for a brief period to update everyone on members' news and other such as follows -

The eagle eyed among you probably noticed my error in the date for Penallt Car show – it's this weekend, on Sunday 19th

BBQ At the last count, we have 14 Wye Dean members planning to be at Julian & Bev's home for the BBQ on Sunday 26th August. Details can be found under the 'Events' tab on the TR website. If you haven't added your name to the list, please do so this weekend so B & J(well….B really!) can get catering organised. Our contributions will be salads or pudds, something to drink, and good weather!If you can fit a folding chair in the boot, that may be helpful too.

The Hereford Waterworks Museum run organised by Glavon, on 9th September and mentioned in our last news will now meet at The Fairview Gardener, Chapel Lane, Birdwood, Churcham Glos GL7 8AR.ETA at Broomy Hill is approx. 12.30. See the Glavon event, again on the website.

Alan's been looking into organising a visit to Clodock Mill in the heart of the Black Mountains. The challenge is that it only opens on request for groups, and only on Saturdays, so Alan really needs to know how many would definitely be interested in a visit. The date suggested is Saturday 22nd September. Please let either Jeff or myself know if you'd like to come along, as soon as possible.

FacebookAndrea has offered to set up a closed Facebook page for Wye Dean, and this met with approval from the majority of those present on Weds. Will keep you posted on developments. At present, she and Pete are on holiday 'oop north', and having a great time – they attended the Classic Car Show at Raby Castle, Co.Durham where they came across Cleveland TR's, and took some photos – see the Gallery.

We have a new member who's recently returned from 13 years in California, and has shipped his TR 'home'. He'd like to know if anyone can suggest a reliable garage to work on his car, and also if anyone has information on a Lenham hardtop for a TR 6 (hope I've got that right!).

Kevin & Carol have been having a great summer – he writes

"We thought we had retired but life has got even more hectic than when we were working! Following a great weekend at the Silverstone Classic (despite getting soaked to the skin watching the evening entertainment on Friday) we managed to pick up some tickets for C4R-FEST at the event. The turnout of TR's was disappointing with only around 30 to 40 cars there on the Saturday and even less on the Friday and Sunday. There were a few other TRs there with other car clubs.Apart from Friday evening the weather for the weekend was hot and sunny. We will not be able to attend the BBQ as we and the TR will be at C4R-FEST The Lotus Europa is now back on the road. She has had two shake down runs the second one being 24 miles, that did reveal a couple of minor issues needing resolution. It's booked into a classic car event at Sandringham, Norfolk on the 30th September.

Carol is secretary of the local Llanafan Fawr Show which has kept her busy. The show is on the 16th September.

I am treasurer for the Builth Motor Club (The club organises motor cycle trials and endures) and we have an enduro event on the 16th and a trials on the 17th September.

The only other event I get involved with is a couple of days catching sheep for the local sheep dog trials which are on the 29th & 30th August."

And that's what retirement's like!!! Thanks for sending in your news – it's good to know what everyone does in their 'spare time'!!

Our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday 19th September – at that we'll be asking for suggestions for a venue for our Christmas gathering, so get thinking and if possible bring along a sample menu. We'll be asking for a volunteer to take charge of this one, which will involve getting numbers, deposits, choices & liaising with the venue.

I think that's all for now – the minute I press 'send' I'll remember something else I'm sure.

Best wishes & happy motoring

Beryl for Jeff GL

Wye Dean Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760329
  • Mobile
    07831 456155
  • Email address

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times