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Report of our 'Drive with Clues' on 22nd July

Report of our 'Drive with Clues' on 22nd July

On Sunday 22nd of July, 20 of us met at the Ross Spur services ready to get our instructions for the 'drive with clues' organised by Andrea & Pete Thomas. (Please look at the selection of photos under the gallery tab – a great record of a really excellent day). First of all, the glorious summer weather continued, so cars were open, and the breeze very welcome when we were moving. All cars were well behaved……Martin's exhaust needed a bit of instant repair, but willing hands, and just the right bit of wire from Pete's boot saved the day.

So, we set off at intervals on what was to prove a beautiful drive through stunning countryside. We wove a route beside the river Wye, with numerous stops, including 2 Churches – one of which is All Saints Brockhampton, an Arts & Crafts design which is well worth another & more detailed look on another day. All the while we were looking for the answers to the many 'clues' – some visual, some anagrams, some involving a bit of mental arithmetic, and some needing a bit of ingenuity!I've had the OS map out today trying to retrace the route, but it's quite tricky, so I think we'll drive it once more – concentrating on the clues made it difficult to keep track of the twists & turns. Pete & Andrea calculated the route at a modest 20 miles, but I think most of us added a few to that with a bit of back tracking needed here & there.In fairness, the directions were meticulously researched, and carefully laid out – so it must be down to our 'interpretation'!!

Finally, all cars and occupants arrived safely at the Loughpool Inn where we enjoyed a well earned cooling drink, and took time to compare notes on the drive while Pete marked our sheets. We decided to eat our delicious meal inside the restaurant as the sun was beating down.When all had eaten & supped, Andrea gave us our scores, and awarded the wooden spoon to John & Pauline, who somehow detoured via Weston's at Much Marcle (well, John was involved in the engineering side of cider production in his working life, so it may have been an automatic reaction!). Second place went to Sian & Martin, and our guests from Glavon, Andy & Jill West romped away with the coveted winner's cup.

So it just remains to say a very big THANK YOUto Pete & Andrea for our brilliant day.

Wye Dean Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760329
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    07831 456155
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