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Wharfedale TR’s celebrated its 40th anniversary with a 2 night stay at the Red Lion In Burnsall, on 29th & 30thSeptember. Formed in October 1984 by Stephen Gannon, along with, and still current members Keith & Julie George, Geoff & Lieone Kenchington, Graham Hunter, John & Jean Hussey and Roger Wiper. There were probably others but I apologise if your name has got lost in the annals of time.

Some 18 months after starting Wharfdale TR’s Stephen Gannon left the area due to work commitments, and Geoff Kenchington took up the reins. Stephen took no further part in Wharfedale TR’s.

Early in 2024 contact had been made with Stephen Gannon, and his brother David, who joined shortly after the official formation, to see if they were interested in joining us for the 40th event. Both came back with an enthusiastic yes.

Stephen and Ian cut the cake

Stephen Gannon also invited his friend Ian Callum, the ex-Jaguar Landrover Design Director, it turned out Ian had an immaculate TR6.

We had the function room booked for both nights, we had banners printed with the Wharfedale history, and plenty of old and new photos looping on a wide screen TV.

All in all the event was a great success, in spite of the weather, which curtailed some of the plans for a run out on the Monday.

I’m keeping this deliberately short, as hopefully we will have a full article in the next issue of TRaction.

Ian Meeson

Wharfedale Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times