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Gerry & Mary LeVey Memorial Run 2022

Gerry & Mary LeVey Memorial Run 2022

Gerry and Mary LeVey were long term enthusiastic members of Wharfedale TRs who are sadly no longer with us. Mary passed away in 2017. Gerry passing away in early September 2021, not long after our annual pilgrimage to Crooklands in the Lakes.

John Hussey floated the idea earlier this year of having a Memorial run for them both after stumbling on a route that Gerry had organised back in 2009, but strangely no one had any recollection of actually doing the run. But nevertheless, it would be a great way to remember them both.

John and Jean did a recce of the route and pronounced it a “cracker” although short at only 40 odd miles.

The date set was 20th April, meeting at the Waitrose supermarket in Otley at 10am, for a 10.30 off. The weather was great with the sun shining on us all the way. The route taking us out of Otley past Dick Hudsons and the Busfield Arms, towards Oakworth and Lothersdale to end at The Anchor Inn in Gargrave for lunch.

The cars assembled at Waitrose in Otley

9 cars took part, and all was well, with only one casualty, my 4A. It was its first run out after restoration, unfortunately we missed most of the run due to a wheel problem, but did make it to the Anchor in time with help from Ray & Cath Cawthra. But that’s TR’ing.

In the carpark at The Anchor Inn

Mary in the 6, back in 2016

Again 2016, Mary & Gerry with Stan.

We had hoped that Tony and Peter LeVey, Gerry and Mary’s sons would be able to join us, but due to a date mix up (caused by me) they couldn’t make it. But we have talked about repeating the event next year.

Crooklands 2nd September 2021, Gerry with Phil Warkup. Sadly the last time we would see Gerry.

All in all a good day, and a great way to remember Gerry and Mary. Thanks to John & Jean for the idea and organising it.

Ian Meeson

Wharfedale Group

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