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Wharfedale TR's Can't Drive It Day 26th April 2020

Wharfedale TR's Can't Drive It Day 26th April 2020

Well, here we are on Drive it Day, or Can't Drive It Day. The weather even turning up for the occasion. So how do we celebrate it? What about pics of members and their cars, complete with suitable plaque.

Nice one of Stan and his 6.

John & Jean having to improvise, the car going into the garage for pre season work, just before the lock down, and there it remains, for now.

Nice one of Brian and his 4A

A decidedly grumpy looking John and his 6. Never mind John it will soon be over, hopefully.

Mike & Kate with their 4 looking splendid as ever.

Dave & Anne with their 6 throwing themselves into the full spirit of the occasion, great stuff.

Ian, with his still in pieces 4A, it will get there eventually.

Barry & Rachel with their 6. They should have been joining us on our Lake District weekend in June, which has sadly had to be called off. Looking forward to next year.

Steve Ellmore's TR5 looking absolutely splendid.

Whatever you did with your TR, except drive it, the Wharfedalers hope you had a great weekend.

Wharfedale Group

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