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Wharfedale in The Lakes 28th June 2019

Wharfedale in The Lakes 28th June 2019

Friday 28th June saw the Wharfedalers and friends from the East Riding Group setting off for the 3rd annual Lake District weekend based at the Crooklands Hotel, in Crooklands.

Sadly we were 4 members down, Barrie & Pat Simkin, and Terry & Jan Dean having to give last minute back word, we wish them well, and hope they can join next year.

Mike Sloan had produced a circuitous but leisurely run up through the Dales, setting off from Skipton around 2.30pm and arriving at Crooklands around 5pm. Some roads we had done before, but are always worth a return visit, overall a very scenic run up to Crooklands.We had a comfort stop in Stainforth, and a planned stop in Dent, which had to be abandoned due to a Beer & Music Festival already in full swing, the place was heaving.

We had our usual arrival beers at Crooklands, and bar meals in the restaurant.

. Saturday morning saw us gathering for the first run of the weekend, the ultimate destination being the newly opened Windermere Steam Boat Museum. Which is located about a third of the way down the East side of Windermere, and what a great place it turned out to be. The run to it though took us via the The Wheatsheaf Inn at Brigsteer, with a stop for morning coffee, then up the West side of Esthwaite Water to Hawkshead, the intended route was then around the top of Windermere to drop down to the Steam Boat Museum, unfortunately some of us went astray just after Hawkshead, and ended up crossing Windermere via the ferry, which was not an unpleasant diversion at all.

Unfortunately just after the start of the run Ken Baileys TR6 started playing up, not wanting to run at all, the diagnosis was a faulty metering unit, so Ken & Jan managed to limp back to the hotel (in the TR6) with Graham & Lita Hunter following, Graham & Lita being in their Euro box due to Grahams TR6 still being rebuilt, Graham & Lita were good enough to give Ken & Jan and lift for the rest of the weekend.

Osprey the 1902 Heritage Steam Boat

The Museum, or Windermere Jetty as it is called, from Osprey on Windermere.

The Steam Boat Museum really is a great place to visit in a great location, with a café as well it was a splendid stop. We were able to take a look at the conservation workshop where various "old" boats are being restored, and were treated to a talk by one of the young conservation team carpenters. It makes restoring a TR quite a straight forward task, hmm.

The Museum was also offering 50 minute Heritage boat trips on Windermere on Osprey, a recently restored 1902 Steam Boat, all the steam engine workings were visible, it was fabulous.

The Saturday evening saw the usual format of pre dinner drinks, then the evening dinner in the function room, which wouldn't be the same without Ken's fiendish quizzes, and the raffle. A great evening, in great company

The Sunday drive John Hussay had planned, saw us first head to Orten, and the Chocolate Shop Café, then onto Hawes for just after lunch, for a DIY session, then head our respective ways home. But what a find the Chocolate Shop Café was, hidden away in Orten, the name giving the game away as to what it was offering, everything chocolate, and made on the premises, a great little spot. Thanks John.

As ever a great weekend which went too quickly, the weather on both Friday for the run up to Crooklands, and Saturday in the Lakes was great with sunshine all the way. Sunday was ok if a bit overcast.

Next years event is already in the planning, with thoughts of a different hotel location, not that there is anything wrong with Crooklands Hotel, it is a great place and they do look after us. Watch this space.

Wharfedale Group

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