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Wharfedale Spring Clean Run 12th May 2019

Wharfedale Spring Clean Run 12th May 2019

Doesn't the time whiz by, well into May and it's Spring Clean Run time. As there were no takers for route finding Mike Sloan pulled out Google Maps for a route which ended at Holmes Mill in Clitheroe, and what a cracking run it turned out to be, in spite of the tractors......

8 cars, and 14 people met at Stephen Smiths Garden Centre on Pool Road Otley for an 11am start.

Unfortunately due to a last minute problem with their TR4, Mike & Kate did the run in their Merc Euro box, it was still a top down affair though, and I guess more comfortable then the 4. A "P" stop was scheduled for Settle and we headed in that direction via the back roads, through Askwith, the Bolton Abbey Estate, Airton, Scosthrop and into Settle down the cobbles.

What on earth... just after taking a left turn near Barden we ran into a contingent of tractors, tractors as far as the eye could see. We did eventually manage to pass them as they turned into a village field, with plenty of people spectating. It turned out to be The Young Farmers Association fund raising for the Air Ambulance. So we shouldn't be too hard on them.

After leaving Settle we headed for Clitheroe and Holmes Mill, via Rathmell, Wrigglesworth and Bolton By Bowland, eventually arriving at Holmes Mill in Clitheroe, and what a great spot it turned out to be, with a food hall & deli, it's own brewery, home furnishings etc, it was certainly a popular vibrant spot.

Thanks to Mike & Kate for organising the run.

Wharfedale Group

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