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Social Report 339

Social Report 339

TR Action Social Scene Report Submissions

Group name

Thames Valley Group

Magazine issue


Author of report name

David Goswell

Report content (up to 500 words inc. diary dates below)

The heat haze made the plains of brown grass shimmer in the mid-day sun as we took shelter in our trusty TVG gazebo, briefly peering out at the London group who were also getting some shade. Visits to the cars, and the bar, had to be done quickly to avoid sun stroke. At times, a brave Jaguar drove past us, as they headed home to their swimming pool. We took solace in knowing it couldn’t get any hotter and that the Met Office have forecasted rain for Monday, making everyone dream of cutting their lawns again. Well, this was the Cranleigh Classic Car show in August 2022!

Great turn out from everyone, brave enough to take the heat. Had been 3 years since we had been able to go to Cranleigh and for once the weather was incredible. We have never put up the gazebo, in case of sun, very strange times. As usual polishing the cars was pretty much a waste of time as the dust was everywhere. Good to see Ron Walker is his totally original TR6 which struggled to fight off cavitation, but he made it.

Of course, Cranleigh, wasn’t the only show TVG members have been too. At a recent breakfast meeting at Brooklands the London group where down on numbers to fill their stand and asked TVG to join them. This created a great turnout and gave them the best in show award. That’s what you call teamwork.

The picture this week is of Bob LeBroq receiving a special award at the Claygate Flower show. An unlikely event to have classic cars along too, though Bob’s car was chosen by a lady who wanted to take it home with her. Bob declined her request but accepted the award, well done Bob.

Finally for those people following my gearbox woe’s, it’s now fixed and has done 75 miles so far. I keep touching my wooden dashboard, just in case.

Our regular meetings are at the Stepping Stones pub in Westhumble, Dorking (RH5 6BS) on the third Wednesday of each month from 20:00 and our Sunday lunchtime meetings on the last Sunday of the month at the Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ), starting at 12:00.

Diary dates (list here any of your Group events coming up for up to 2 months post-publication)

Capel Car Show – August 20th

Car Fest South – August Bank Holiday weekend

Thames Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times