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Social Scene 336

Social Scene 336

David Goswell writes:

Incredibly sad news that a long-standing member of TVG, Denver Woodward, has passed away after struggling with his health for some time. Denver has been in TVG for over twenty years, and with his wife Jo, came to many lunchtime meetings. Denver was known for his calm demeanour which did not reflect the importance of his recent role as Civil Engineering Director to the South Devon Railway Trust. A heritage railway running from Totnes to Buckfastleigh in Devon, cannot have been an easy task. He also took on bell ringing, in his retirement, and was well known for his comic reflections on learning the art. Denver’s Blue TR6, which he has not been able to drive for two years, has passed to his son who intends to take it to Les Mans this year. Our thoughts are with Jo and her family.

Good to see Ian Bullen, at our recent meeting down the Surrey Oaks, driving his stunning AC Greyhound. The quality of workmanship on that car is amazing, attracting a large crowd of envious TR owners around the engine bay.

Graham and his wife, from the London Group, came along to our February Sunday meeting, in his immaculate yellow TR6. I think they were looking to see what a wonderful bunch we are!

Jeremy Addicott, who was the TVG Group leader back in the mid nineties, has been requested to have his car photographed in a forth coming Herridge and Sons book. Jeremy’s TR4 is a stunning example and deserves to be included in the book.

Spring is well on its way and dates for events and trips are becoming to appear, from out of the dark cloud, of you know what. Roger our events Co-Ordinator will be putting together plans very soon. Including, hopefully, another TVG Lunch Club trip.

The TR Southeast region will be coming together, for the delayed 50th anniversary meeting at Chatham Historic Dockyard April 24th, where tickets are sold out. Over 100 people will be in attendance.

Also, I can announce that TS2 will be with TVG, April 29/30th of April, and will be cared for by Alan Kent. We are planning a special event, at Brooklands, on the 29th in conjunction with the London group. Mike Moffatt has organised entry to Brooklands for a limited number of TR’s and for us to have a photo shoot, with thanks to Keith Cooper on camera, around Concorde and the bank. Mervyn has offered to drive the Cherry picker to launch Keith into the air! Everyone is welcome to come along, however bringing your cars on site will be based on invitation only. Classic Car weekly will be in attendance as they are following TS2 around the UK, so look out for photos in their magazine.

If you are interested to meet TS2, and drive her, Alan will be setting up a meet and greet. There will be a requirement to register drivers on the insurance, before taking her out. More details to follow.

Finally, I would like to pass on thanks to the wonderful specialists out there who do an excellent job in keeping our cars on the road. Particular thanks, to Neil Ferguson who has fixed a few metering units in TVG, including mine, recently. Thanks also, to Bill, at Hardys Engineering, who has fixed many a gearbox and differential, for members of the club. He is currently working on Stephen Thornes diff, which has a couple of loose teeth floating around in the oil.

Enjoy Spring everyone.

Our regular meetings are at the Stepping Stones pub in Westhumble, Dorking (RH5 6BS) on the third Wednesday of each month from 20:00 and our Sunday lunchtime meetings on the last Sunday of the month at the Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ), starting at 12:00.

Thames Valley Group

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