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Social Scene 328

Social Scene 328

Neil Pinto writes:

It seems a long time since we have been able to get together in our TRs as a group – though as it is bitterly cold as I write this, with the roads covered in salt, I’d certainly not want to take the TR out today! David Goswell has sent me a photo of Bill Wheeler’s garage lift, giving him great access to the underneath of his car and thereby avoid the scrabble that most of us have to put up with.I understand that he is changing some suspension bits and fitting a new exhaust system.It looks as if he has been cleaning the rear vallance – it is gleaning and lacking the deposits that seem to build up very quickly.

I know of a hydraulic lift that is used in a domestic garage to stack a couple of E Types on top of each other.An expensive failure if the mechanism fails!Before installation it was necessary to lower the floor in the garage by a few centimetres to ensure both cars could fit in.

In common with many other TRers, I did not use my 6 as much as normal last year. Its MOT was due over the period of lockdown amnesty, and I wasn’t that keen to get it done afterwards. My car is old enough not to need an MOT, but I do feel that it makes sense to have one “just in case” to prove that it is roadworthy. Something to add to the “to do” list for this year.

As I write this contribution the February / March edition of TRAction has just arrived, and I am in awe of the contributors to Social Scene who have written extensively of the happenings (or perhaps non happenings) within their areas. We are, though, hoping for better times to come. We have had to postpone the visit to Chatham Dockyards in April (which was originally postponed from last year) - we are now planning to run it on April 24th 2022.We’ve also postponed the May trip to Scotland, again to 2022. Events that we do hope to have early this year are:

Friday April 30th – A special gathering and photo shoot at Brooklands with TS2.It will only be with us for a couple of days, and members will be able to have a test drive, once some paperwork is sorted.

Possible April trip to the beach – An idea for a run to West Wittering assuming this is permissible, and the weather is good. More news on this will be sent out nearer the time.

We’ve also got a trip to Yeovil in June, but this is now fully booked.

With the roll of the vaccines now proceeding apace, we can only hope that life will return to a sort of normal and our meetings on the last Sunday of each month at the Surrey Oaks and the third Wednesday of each month at the Stepping Stones are able to restart.

Thames Valley Group

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