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Social Scene 326

Neil Pinto writes:

It’s getting increasingly difficult to write a contribution to Social Scene, when “social” these days means those with whom you are in a bubble, and “scene” is a back garden if you are lucky! Looking at the contributions from other Groups, this is a common problem, and one which it does not appear will change for a while.

Just before one of my earlier contributions to TRAction, Jeremy Clarkson had made reference to TR6s, implying that he had a sneaking regard for the car.He’s been at it again, saying that he thinks there are lots of people who’d love a 3 litre Capri, a Lancia Fulvia or a TR6 but they are put off by issues of incontinence (sic) and unreliability.Far from me to comment on the former, but isn’t the uncertainty whether it will make it from A to B part of the fun of a classic car? Bryan Hirchfield, another long standing TVG member might also take issue with this, having completed a couple of round Britain rallies in his green TR4A.

Talking of tweaking our cars, David Goswell, our Group Leader has his TR6 in pieces, taking “advantage” of lockdown to continue his ongoing repairs to the oil leak in his gearbox and a vibrating differential. Bob LeBrocq has also been busy with his TR3, stripping out the engine and gearbox.Those who follow the Forum section of the TR Register website will have seen Bob report on progress.The engine has done at least 75000 miles, had failing oil pressure, and some top end rattles, so Bob though that it was time to take it out and rebuild it.He’s taking the opportunity to put in new con rods and uprating the capacity to 2.2 litres with new 87mm liners and pistons.He’s not having to do anything to the overdrive as it was rebuilt in 2013, and he’d also rebuilt the cylinder head earlier this year.We look forward to seeing it in the New Year when hopefully TR activities might be able to restart.

TVG was hoping to celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2020, but it’s going to have be in 2021 when TS2 is going to be coming to us for a couple of days, looked after by Alan Kent. We are planning a trip to Brooklands to do a photoshoot on 29 / 30 April.It would be great to see as many of our members able to make it – a couple of TVGers work there as volunteers.

I think that this edition of TRAction will hit our doormats just before Christmas as it’s due to be published in early December, so I’d like to wish everyone compliments of the season, and a hope that 2021 will be better than 2020.In the meantime, however, our normal monthly activities continue to be cancelled.

Thames Valley Group

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