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Social Scene 323

Social Scene 323

David Goswell writes:

Well as I write this article the Pandemic seem to be still dragging on. Many people are now getting cabin fever and feel they want to meet up with the group. Our regular monthly pub meeting maybe on for the last Sunday in July, though how a pub can cope with a large number of people is yet to be seen. I’m in discussions with the landlord and hopefully a plan will come together.

From a personal perspective cabin fever hasn’t been the problem, fitting a replacement gearbox, or should I say two, has been somewhat time consuming. I say two gearboxes, because the first gearbox sounded very noisy, as I travelled down the road with a gearbox cover off, so a replacement was supplied. I can safely say I can now remove and fit gearboxes in my sleep. I only wish fitting that new gearbox cover came with the same pleasure, does anyone make one that actually fits! At last I can take the car out for a drive and if I hear even a squeak, I’ll put my foot down, literally speaking of course. Finally with that mammoth task out of the way I can focus on those small jobs I planned to back in January.

The Thames Valley Group have been equally busy with Tim Hill, having spent 10 years lovingly creating, what will be a show winner, TR7 V8. TVG now has a WhatsApp group running with over 30 members logging in. Tim was very proud to share a video of the car running for the first time. I shared a video of a noisy gearbox, but we won’t go there.

Gareth is determined to turn his Green TR6 into a homage to how TR6’s were turned out of the factory, having re painted the sills in Black.

Dick’s TR4A is beginning to look like a car and Ed King’s battery is on trickle charge in anticipation.

Many members of TVG have done there bit for the NHS through buying the Rally Plaques, but only a few made the pages of TR Action. So I’ve included a picture of Bryan Hirchfield’s car, Bryan is determined to cover his front bumper in as any Plaques as possible. One of me desperately trying to do my bit, luckily the plaque is on the bumper now.

So moving forward we are all hopeful of a gentle return to some form of normality, September looks good with some of the usual village based Classic car shows still being scheduled. Further afield our trip to Scotland, May 2021 is coming together with Hotels booked, not an easy task as Janet knows too well, despite it being 10 months away. June 2021 the trip to Yeovil is now booked.

We need to re schedule our 50th celebration that was due in June this year, just need to understand what the pubs will be able to do for us.

Keep safe everyone.


Evening meeting at the Stepping Stones Pub in Westhumble, Dorking (RH5 6BS) on the third Wednesday of each month, from 20:00. Lunchtime meeting at The Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ), on the last Sunday of the month) 12:00 start. This seems to be attracting more people (particularly if it’s warm and dry) and we have a reserved area at the back of the pub car park for our TRs. Please see the TR Register website for more information:

Thames Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times