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Social Scene 321

Social Scene 321

Thames Valley Group – Social Scene Traction 321

David Goswell writes:

Having had a successful AGM in early March, with over 24 people in attendance, eagerly discussing our forthcoming events for 2020, we are sadly now in shutdown due to this dreadful pandemic.

The AGM was preceded by our annual lunch, thanks to Alan Charlwood for organising, and was hosted by Jeff Roberts. Many thanks to Jeff and Lesley for coming along.

Formalities over we moved to the raffle organised by Janet, my wife, with thanks to the donations received.

Then on to the annual awards, given to TVG members who make a difference.

Attendance Award went to Mervyn Rogers who turns up to everything, except the AGM, for the first time in history. It’s difficult for other members to beat Mervyn’s attendance but maybe this year !

Best Photograph went to Bob LeBrocq for an outstanding photo of Pauline, his wife, with a great smile on a summer’s day, amongst some TR’s.

Engineer of the year award went to Gareth Merricks who is a relatively new member and new to TR’s. Having given up his love for VW Beetles he has transitioned to a TR6 and completes some amazing work on his drive. Alas Gareth was working on the day.

Rubber Duck Award, given for someone who takes on a memorable convoy! This year the award went to Alan Travers, who alas couldn’t join us, for taking us on a trip in Northumberland and giving us all worrying times as his TR6 didn’t like being driven with the choke out.

Finally The Black Horse Award, an award created to remember the early days of TVG and given to a member who has made a big difference to TVG. This year the award went to Bob LeBrocq who has continued to be a major part of TVG, advises members in the Register makes LED conversions for early TR’s and in 2020 put a tow bar on his TR so that we could continue having our annual BBQ at the Inter Club meeting. Well deserved Bob.

Activity among TVG is still ongoing albeit at home locations, with Dick progressing his TR restoration, Bob changing wheels and making early TR LED conversion units. Gareth has changed his exhaust system and I’m about to fit a replacement gearbox and overdrive.

Sadly to add that we have lost a good friend, Ray Doddrell, who passed away in April following an illness, not related to Covid. Our sympathies go to Sue his wife.

Finally I’d like to add a personal thanks to Jo and all of the office staff for continuing to provide support through these trying times.


Evening meeting at the Stepping Stones Pub in Westhumble, Dorking (RH5 6BS) on the third Wednesday of each month, from 20:00. Lunchtime meeting at The Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ), on the last Sunday of the month) 12:00 start. This seems to be attracting more people (particularly if it’s warm and dry) and we have a reserved area at the back of the pub car park for our TRs. Please see the TR Register website for more information:

Thames Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times