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Social Scene 314

Social Scene 314

Thames Valley Group – Social Scene Traction 314

David Goswell writes:

A very busy couple of months headlined by the TR Register, Southern Region, Drive it Day, this year hosted by Thames Valley and held at the excellent Hollycombe Steam in the Country museum, Liphook. Despite a gloomy look to the skies an incredible 136 cars turned up from across the region. The numbers were boosted by the Dorset group, Kennet Valley and the Surrey Stag group. Many people travelled over 60 miles to join us, including Wayne in the TS2.

A huge thank you to the team in Thames Valley for marshalling cars and managing the tickets along with the raffle. Thanks to everyone's generosity, £220 was raised for The Renewable World charity. Our attendance alongwith the Citroen group, with whom we shared the field, gave Hollycombe over £2000. This is much needed, as they are a charity run by volunteers.

A trophy for best car, as selected by the manager of Hollycombe, was handed to Roy Hunnisett from South Downs, in an excellent TR3A.

Mervyn Rogers was presented with a special award for his long service to TVG, he had been our longest standing Group Leader of eight years, until passing the role on to me. Mervyn received an excellent caricature, thanks to Mr Entwistle, organised by Wayne and Jeff Roberts.

Thanks to the steam train, carousel, swing chairs and much more, many of us were re-living our childhood.

One week later Mervyn Rogers, took his Red TR6 to the Donnington meeting, which looked cold and uninviting. But the racing was good to see.

The following day Thames Valley, well three cars, joined the South Downs Groups annual visit to the Magnificent Motors meeting on the sea front at Eastbourne. An incredible array of vehicles turned up. Many thanks, to Martin, for the organisation and guiding us in.

Our regular meetings are: The Abinger Hatch on the second Wednesday of each month from 20:00, with the main meeting from 12:00 at The Surrey Oaks on the last Sunday.We're a friendly bunch and new members are always welcome.Please see TR Register website for more information


Thames Valley Group

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