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Social Scene 312

Social Scene 312

Thames Valley Group – Social Scene Traction 312

Neil Pinto writes:Yes, Dave, of course I will write the contribution of the Thames Valley Group to the second TR Action of 2019 I confidently said to our GL …… err, what is there to say?With Christmas and the New Year firmly behind us, our TRs (in most cases) safely tucked up in our garages, grit and salt on the roads to further deter all but the hardiest from exposing our pride and joy to the risks of accelerated corrosion, it feels as if this is a time to hibernate or escape to the sun.

And yet, there is quite a lot still going on in TVG land.On 1st January some of our members attended the annual New Year's Day Gathering at Brooklands Museum, when many owners of classic cars as well as supercars and even "normal" cars congregated to shake off the effects of their revelry the night.As shown in the attached photo, cars were parked on the famous "Banking" of the old race track.The event is very well attached, with traffic jams in the vicinity of the Museum for those who were not early risers!Our colleagues from the London Group also attended the event, and proudly displayed their flag.

We have also just had our Christmas / New Year's meal at the Onslow Arms pub, helpfully held in January to avoid clashing with other festivities.We have our AGM to look forward to next month, which is normally very well attended, and this year will include the award of a range of club prizes, some of which are more aspirational than others!I'm sure that this will be reported on in a future Social Scene.

Looking further ahead, TVG is organising the Drive It Day on 28th April, including a number of neighbouring groups.This year we will be going to The Hollycombe Steam Park in Liphook (Hampshire).This is always an enjoyable trip, with an opportunity to compare notes (and cars) with a broader range of TRers.

Our regular meetings are: The Abinger Hatch (RH5 6HZ) on the second Wednesday of each month from 20:00, with the main meeting from 12:00 at The Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ) on the last Sunday of the month.This seems to be attracting more people (particularly if it's warm and dry) and we've got a reserved area at the back of the pub car park for our TRs.We're a friendly bunch and new members are always welcome – do come along whether you've got a TR or not!Please see TR Register website for more information

Thames Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times