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Social Scene 310

Social Scene 310

Thames Valley Group – Social Scene Traction 310

Neil Pinto writes:Summer now seems to be firmly behind us, and we've just had our annual Autumn Colours run.A total of 15 TRs met at 10:00 just north of Dorking for a scenic drive to Sheffield Park.Unfortunately, the sunshine which had been forecast for the day failed to materialise, and we had to contend with misty damp conditions on the way.This allowed some of us to make an unscheduled short detour to a llama park, though my navigator for the day (Caroline Evans - Roger Humphries better half) assured me that this was nothing to do with the fact that she needed a new top to replace the one that Roger had shrunk in the wash!We were joined at Sheffield Park by a further 3 TRs.The run had been scheduled little earlier than normal this year, based on "expert" advice that the autumn colours will be early this year.Whilst the full pallet of colours was not yet displayed, the display at Sheffield Park, with the backdrop of several lakes, was delightful.After an enjoyable walk round the National Trust grounds (augmented by some coffee), we went on for an excellent pub lunch.The enclosed photograph shows some of our party outside the pub (others were just tucking into their desserts at the time). Many thanks to Roger for organising the event.

By the time this article is published, Bryan Hirchfield and his son Paul should have completed the Round Britain Reliability Run in Bryan's green TR4A.This annual event is organised by Club Triumph (am I allowed to say that in the magazine of the TR Register?) and Bryan is raising money for Epilepsy Research UK. He successfully did the run a couple of years ago.I'm not sure how many of us would be up for the challenge of driving 2000 miles in 48 hours - or that our cars would be capable of this test of endurance!Whilst he has met his target for donations, I'm sure that it's not too late for others to contribute -

Our regular meetings are: The Abinger Hatch (RH5 6HZ) on the second Wednesday of each month from 20:00, with the main meeting from 12:00 at The Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ) on the last Sunday of the month.This seems to be attracting more people (particularly if it's warm and dry) and we've got a reserved area at the back of the pub car park for our TRs.We're a friendly bunch and new members are always welcome – do come along whether you've got a TR or not!Please see TR Register website for more information

Thames Valley Group

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