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Drive it Day and May events

Drive it Day and May events


Thank you to the 28 that met on Drive it Day to enjoy the hospitality of Fiennes Restoration.

After gathering for coffee and cake we were split into several groups and given guided tours of the various workshops, machine shops, stores and cars in storage which took one and a half hours and could easily have gone on for longer!

For me the highlight was seeing the steel rolling and fabrication department, wonderful to see such skills and workmanship still exist to bring a car back to its former glory.

Although Fiennes are best known for their skills with pre-war cars, particularly Rolls Royce, the mix of cars in the various workshops were a compendium of fine engineering from the 1920's to a modern Ferrari and their various workshops make everything from the smallest spring to CNC machined cylinder blocks and heads.

Mid-day saw 18 head off for a 35 mile drive through the Cotswolds to the "Greedy Goose" at Chastleton for lunch, a route mainly on single track roads making the best of the countryside and Cotswold villages, made a little more "interesting" on the day by finding the road at Southrop closed, only half a mile into a suggested which had been recce'd on the Friday before!

The service and meal at "the Goose" was excellent, followed by a lazy afternoon of chatter and coffee before heading back through the Cotswolds to Burford before going our separate ways. Thanks to everyone who helped put this event together.


This event just keeps getting better, slightly marred this year by low cloud, but still a spectacular day out. We met with friends from other clubs and marques to enter the showground "en masse" and park up together.


Wallingford and Basingstoke rallies, both on the 12th May, both sold out but public parking available

If you are going to Pangbourne on 1st June you will need to book it by 10th May

TRR TR6 anniversary event and Triumph picnic and hog roast, Wroxall Abbey, Warks, all TR marques and Triumphs welcome

31-2nd June Vintage Nostalgia Festival and Stockton Park, Wilts, a good and growing show, early bird tickets close soon.

Many other events on your group email list…..


Next group meeting is 15th May

Our TRR local event at Didcot Railway Centre on 2nd June closes for applications on 17 May, so please get your forms in.

Ridgeway Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times