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Red Rose Ramblings Annual 2022

Red Rose Ramblings Annual 2022


It has been a busy year at Red Rose and hopefully once the festivities are over you will find some time to look back at what we have been up to in 2022.

2023 kicks off with our AGM at The Antrobus Arms on the 8th January with lots of awards and prizes for those who have made a contribution to the group in 2022, Come along and join us. You never know it could be you going home with an award or prize.

Red Rose events schedule will be available after our events meeting on the 12th February and we can promise you a packed year with something for everyone.

Red Rose is changing and growing and there is something for everyone, even if you don’t regularly attend meetings or events, why not take advantage of the opportunities the group offers and come along and join us at one of our meetings – We promise you a warm and friendly welcome.

All the best for the New Year and Happy TR Motoring for 2023.

Jonathan and Caroline Smith – Red Rose Group Leader

December 2021

Our monthly meeting and Christmas lunch went ahead with 40 people at the Cock of Budworth sitting down to a lovely meal although we never did find out who ate Richard’s turkey!

January 2022

January was a bit quiet but our monthly meeting which was also our events meeting was very well attended despite fears over the new variant and of getting roped in to volunteer for something by Jonathan!

We started off with some very good news regarding The Cock @ Budworth we assurances that the room is ours for the foreseeable future!

We had two announcements for Red Rose trips in January with Bob Eccles presenting plans for Red Rose 2022 Coast to Coast trip, more on this in the October roundup and Ann and John Thorpe proposing trip to in September.

We also become the proud owners of a new gazebo funded by the TR register alleviating getting dripped on at shows!

Thanks to everyone by the end of the meeting, we had a full diary for the coming year with something for everyone from car runs and shows to trips away.

February 2022

Our February meeting was a full house and there was a welcome return of some familiar faces at the Cock @ Budworth.

It was a busy meeting with updates on TS2, Gawsworth Hall Car Show, Tatton, The Coast-to-Coast Trip, and the proposed France holiday for 2022. We also had details on a trip we have planned for 2023 to Llanerchindda Farm.

MARCH 2023

Our March meeting clashed with the GL meeting in Gaydon with John and Anne Thorpe (after some cajoling at the February meeting) set to step in and chair in our absence. Unfortunately, sickness struck and Martin and Lynne Hill stepped in to do the meeting and to lead the run to Manley Mere.

March Group Leaders Meeting

Following our trip to Gaydon we reported back that big changes were in the air at the TR Register with a five-year plan to secure the future of the club, some nine months later you will have now received notification form the club chairmen of the intent bring forward the changes at the AGM in April this year bring year.

We very much hope that the changes will be supported by members, but maybe it won’t be the Register quite as we know it!

APRIL 2022

Our April meeting had an unexpected and very last-minute change of venue with the Cock @ Budworth being closed for renovation!

Not to be deterred Richard and Sian Chandler source another venue for our old haunt ‘The Antrobus Arms. The meeting was actually very well attended and it was nice to see all the TR’S in the Antrobus Arms car park once again.

Jonathan gave updates on upcoming events and a brief synopsis of the GL meeting where the Register launched their 5-year plan.

He also hinted at some of the changes that could be on the way for the Register including a change of name!

Unfortunately, the TR Register AGM on 3rd of April had to be cancelled due to the low number of attendees and was re-scheduled to take place on line in May.

There was also news of the new European Breakdown App which received a classic and Sports Car, Car Club Award at the NEC show in November.

We rounded things off with a run to Lowes Farm Shop which was kindly organized by Carole and Mike Biddulph.

After a very pleasant run through the countryside, we had a wander round the garden center and gift shop before the inevitable coffee and cake in the very nice café. Most of us purchased items from the farm shop which was very reasonable compared to some I have visited.

Drive It Day 24th April 2022

After thinking we may have to forgo a run this year the day was saved by John and Jane Leleu who stepped in at the 11th hr. and organized a run to Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker.

A very enjoyable day was had by all, driving some lovely roads and lanes from our meeting point at Blakemere to our first stop at the Chapel tea rooms at Pontcysyllte.

We then carried onto The Secret Bunker at Hack-Green. After a look round at what was a very interesting and thought-provoking place there was just time for a brew before we headed to the Tigers Head at Norley for a Sunday Roast. Thanks once again to John and Jane for the organizing the day for us.

MAY 2022


It was business as usual for our May meeting as we were once again back in our room at The Cock @ Budworth, but not for long!

A few old members made a welcome return to Red Rose and it was great to meet Hugh and also Steve and his lovely family with 3-year-old Olive her beautiful sister who is probably our youngest member at 3 weeks old sleeping through the meeting.

Jonathan gave us updates on upcoming events and we rounded off things before setting out on a short run to Bidlea for an ice cream, if you haven’t visited yet we can highly recommend the blackcurrant and liquorice flavor! The views over to Jodrell Bank are also pretty impressive!

Traws Weekend

Six Red rose cars stayed at the Metropole Hotel for what proved to be a very enjoyable weekend. There was a definite feeling of things getting back to normal as we all enjoyed being out in the cars and socializing together in the evening. We drove on some interesting roads an even managed a trip on a steam train and a visit to an iron works. One car had to have push start on the Saturday morning due to a flat battery but a quick pit stop at Halfords for a new one and we were back on track! Yes, it was us! We are already looking forward to next year!

Gawsworth Hall Classic Car Show

The May bank holiday saw the first outing for the new gazebo and 16 Red Rose cars turned out for the event which is a bit of a record! One member even got up early to drive home from the Traws weekend in order to be there! Now that’s dedication for you! I hope he gave Brenda a rest the next day!

Visit To Bodnant Gardens 29th May 2022

9 Red Rose cars met up at Rhugg Estate on Sunday 29th May ready for a run to Bodnant Gardens. The weather didn’t start off too great and those of us daft enough to go topless were soon pulling over to hastily put the roofs back on!

We were treated to some great driving roads with spectacular views. If you haven’t done so already have a look at the Instagram video that Sian and Richard’s daughter in law Samara made. (it’s on the Facebook page) It’s very good and our TR4 has a starring role!

On arrival at Bodnant most of us headed to the café for some lunch before spending a lovely afternoon walking round the amazing gardens in the sunshine which did eventually put in an appearance.

The Laburnum Arch was just as impressive as everyone says it is and you could easily spend all day in the gardens as there is so much to see so well worth a visit.

Most of us then headed off to St Asaph for an evening meal before making our way home.

It was a long day but well worth the early start and late finish Thank you to Richard and Sian for organizing such a wonderful day for us in between babysitting duties!

JUNE 2022

June was probably our busiest month so far this year here at Red Rose with lots going on and the unpredictable weather meant tops off! Then on! then off again!


A meeting with a difference! We combined our June meeting with the Antrobus Classic Car Run and 7 cars enjoyed a nice run around the Cheshire countryside stopping at the Windmill public house at Whitely Green for coffee. After arriving back at the Antrobus Village Hall some other members then joined us for a rather windy but enjoyable picnic and a small meeting. We also finished off the jubilee cake, from Tatton, which thanks to Carole Biddulph was frozen the weekend before and sill tasted delicious.

After the picnic it was time for the concourse prizes to be awarded and Jonathan and I won the prize for best sports car in our TR2 and received a very nice bottle of red! It was a great day out.

2023 sees the return of the famous Bigs Boys Breakfast before the run so be sure to put the date in your diary it’s Sunday 11th June 2023.


The first day of Tatton the sun shone and 16 Red Rose cars turned out to make a very impressive looking stand. Sadly the Sunday was a bit of a wash out and it was a good job we had the new gazebo to shelter in. However despite the rain the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was celebrated with some cake and bucks fizz.

Thanks to Mike Biddulph for collectiing the cake and fizz and for the great photos.Thanks also to Bernard and Phil for cutting the grass and for putting up and taking down the gazebo.


Ian and Sue along with the Lewin clan attended and a good day was had by all.

This was the 60th and sadly the last ever rally as due to continued urban spread in the Greater Manchester and Preston areas, organizers are finding ‘interesting’ routes harder to find.


Day One

After much planning and anticipation TS2 was collected on Thursday 23rd June in glorious sunshine and brought to Frodsham ready for her outing to the Cock @ Budworth.

I applied my sun cream and donned a floppy straw hat ! At the last moment I grabbed a shower proof coat ! Note the words shower proof!

Within 15 mins the skys had darkend and we drove into torrential rain!

After pulling over and Jonathan battling with the roof we eventually arrived ! Late as usual and soaked to the skin!

However after a dry with the hand dryer in the loo and something to eat and drink the rain had gone off and 12 lucky people were able to take TS2 out for a drive or got to be a passenger in her.

Despite a poor turn out those that did come to support the event had a lovely evening and everyone enjoyed the side screen car experience. We have had some lovely messages from members saying what a joy and a privilege it was to have the opportunity to drive TS2.

I think Hugh’s face says it all!

Day Two

After being garaged overnight in LPL and a bit of a nightmare with the card at the petrol station Jonathan was flying solo for the day for the run from Barton Grange Garden Centre.

We can’t thank Kieth Lewin enough firstly for offering to help and then for completely organising the run which took in some of the sections from the 1954 RAC British International Rally.

Without him there would probably have been no run ! and certainly not one as good! A great deal of time and effort went into this and it was a shame that only four cars set off! However they were supported at some of the stop off points and at the finish by members who came along to see TS2 and have a go at driving her. The rain stayed off all day and TS2 finally got put to bed at 8:00pm.

I am very reliably informed this is one of the best runs Red Rose has ever done! So we will find a way to make sure we incorporate it into an event in the future so more people can enjoy it.

Day Three

Saturday was a very early start for TS2 and her driver! They set off from Guys Thatched Hamlet along with some fellow Red Rose members for a run to the Lakeland Motor Museum where she was then safely handed over to Cumbria group for the next stage of her journey.

It was a lot of work organizing this event but we are glad we did as it was all worth it to have the experience of looking after this very rare and special car for a few days and being able to share it with fellow enthusiasts.

JULY 2022

Mixed weather up north for July, temperatures hotter than the Sahara followed by rain, rain and more rain! As TR owners we weren’t deterred and there was lots happening.


Numbers were low for this meeting due a number of us being away at various events but thanks to John Leleu stepping in the meeting went ahead as planned.


A big thanks to Martin and Lynne for organising such a great day out, starting at the Ellenroad Steam Museum with 8 TRs ,1 BMW, and 2 motorbikes (one being a Triumph), what a fantastic sight it was for everyone seeing the world’s largest working steam mill engine running for a short time, and going downstairs to stand in front of the boilers to feel the heat generated.

After a good look round the museum there was time for some lunch before everyone set off for a lovely run over the Pennines, finishing at Hollingworth Lake.


Thanks to Ian Lewis for bringing this event to our attention. Despite it not really being BBQ weather that night it was nice to meet up with some other Red Rose members and to meet some fellow classic car owners.

Hopefully this is something that will be a regular event on the calendar in 2023.


The sun shone for what was a fantastic weekend away in Yorkshire. Eight Red Rose cars attended and we were treated to some stunning scenery and great roads.

We all made our way down on Friday and then a group met up for a meal at The George and Dragon

After a hearty breakfast on Saturday, we headed off in the cars past Semerwater and through Yockenthwaite before stopping for a lunch that had been organised for us in the picturesque village of Malham were we created quite an impressive site all parked up round the green. We returned via Kettlewell and then all met up for a group meal at the Aysgarth Falls Hotel in the evening.

Sunday saw us heading for Tan Hill where we had a stop for a drink at the pub before we made our way to The Stainmore Railway Company at Kirkby Steven. Some of us had lunch in the railway carriages and most opted for the tour which was very informative.

Before we left there were some prizes to be handed out and no one was more shocked than Jonathan to win the car section of the quiz.

As you can see from his face in the photo I just couldn’t resist putting in!

Weekends like this are what owning a TR are all about and without the hard work put in by Ian and Mary Landen it wouldn’t be such a success so thank you to them both for another wonderful weekend.


A few Red Rose members attended this event along with family who were driving their Morris Minors.

After Basking in the sunshine at Dunsley Hall at the end of the LAC Coast to Coast run, they then took the opportunity to take on Rosedale Chimney Bank (max gradient 1 in 3) before routing through the Castle Howard estate. Scorching weekend in more ways than one!


Congratulations to Peter and Dawn! Runners up with their TR6 in the 1970’s section.



As is usual for August this was a fairly quiet meeting but quite a few members braved the soaring temperatures. Hopes were high when the pub announced they were doing sandwiches due to the heat however they fell far short of expectation!

Due to low numbers and the heat, we kept things brief, even Jonathan stuck to his agenda! well just about!

Post meeting, six cars then had a short but very nice run to the Swettenham Arms, Arboretum and Lavender Gardens where they managed to get 3 tables in the shade for a drink, before some ventured on to walk around the Arboretum.

Big thank you to Richard and Sian for volunteering once again to organize a run it is as always very much appreciated.


Despite the last-minute cancellation of the International Weekend a fantastic day was had by all when they joined TS2 at the Great British Car Journey.

Six Red Rose members entered their cars for the Pride of Ownership and Concourse events and they all came home with some very nice silverware! Congratulations to all of them on their very well-deserved awards.

If you haven’t visited The Great British Car Journey yet I would highly recommend it.

Jonathan Smith – Best TR2/3 (PO) and winner of The Ken Richardson Trophy

Mike Biddulph – Best TR4/4A (PO)

Andrew Haywood – Highest placed Runner up and second place TR4/5 (C)

Keith Nuttall – Best TR4/5 (C)

Ken Harrison – Best Non-Standard TR4/5 (C)

Nigel Bancroft – Best TR6 (C)


Sadly, Nigel Bancroft passed away shortly after the event and it is fitting to include him and his TR in the list of prize winners above.

This certainly wasn’t the event we had all hoped for but it was a great opportunity to meet up with fellow TR owners from all over Europe. Fingers crossed for next year!


A small group of Red Rose members enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon and evening at The Alpaca Picnic Fest, there was live music and plenty of classic cars to look at.

The event was in memory of Viv Ash and all money raised was for The East Cheshire Hospice.

Do not be fooled by the cute face! This one was definitely hissing at Carole Biddulph!


September went so fast! The death of the Queen and suddenly having a King which seem quite real yet.


We weren’t expecting a big turnout for our September meeting due to quite a few members being off on their jollies in France and various other places but we were pleasantly surprised! We had a pretty good turnout but as we had expected low numbers Jonathan hadn’t even done an agenda! He still managed to get up and talk though in his own unique style!

It was lovely to see our newlyweds Chris and Lynne and we also had a very special birthday to celebrate with Keith Baddeley, 70 years young!

After a lovely drive to the Swettenham Arms, we sat in the garden and had a drinks and food in great company before heading home.


5 cars and 10 intrepid travelers set out on the trip to France all organized by the wonderful Ann and John Thorp. Sian kept us all updated with regular Facebook posts and photos and I must say they certainly looked like they were having a wonderful time visiting some lovely places including Chartres, Vementon, Orleans and Chablis.

Loire Valley with TR Register Tours

Meanwhile in another part of France Martin and Lynn Hill and Keith and Lynda Lewin were in the Loire Valley with TR Register Tours.

TRs looking very impressive outside the hotel in Fontevraud Loire Valley.


A few Red Rose members made the trip to Wales for this car show.


A few Red Rose members attended this very popular and well organized event taking in the walled towns of Conwy, Beaumaris and Caernarfon. Can you spot Billy Taylor in his red TR6 with Andrew Heywood in the background and Conrad Rafique out of shot but definitely there along with their navigators.



For the third and last time we had a very last-minute and unexpected change of venue for our October meeting moving from The Cock at Budworth (now closed) to The Antrobus Arms.


Despite the last minute changes the meeting was a big success and everyone agreed the food and service were excellent.

It was lovely to see Audrey and Clifford Foster and Dave Roberts at the meeting as we haven’t seen them for some time.

We had our usual updates on upcoming events from Jonathan which included club events for next year and also TR Register events that have been planned.

We then had a surprise announcement from Bob Eccles. Bob has made the decision to stand down as area director for the TR Register from next year.

On behalf of Red Rose, I would like to thank Bob for everything he has done for us and the register as a whole. Being in any leadership role can be a thankless task sometimes and I am sure Bob won’t miss the endless trips to Didcot. He’s not leaving us all together though he will still be a regular at our meetings.


We all had a wonderful time on this trip kindly organized by Bob. The first night we stayed in the very quirky Guys Thatched Hamlet, great value for money and perfect for a car club. We all enjoyed a meal together before heading off to our interesting accommodation and after a good night’s sleep followed by a hearty breakfast, we were all ready for the journey to Whitby the next day.

Jonathan had plotted our journey into the SAT NAV and took us on a very impressive route which had some stunning scenery with a lunch stop at the pub were James Herriot spent his honeymoon night. We managed to send the poor waitress into a near melt down but after some lovely sandwiches we set off again and finally reached Dunsley Hall in time for a quick freshen up before drinks and dinner.

The following day some headed for home and some moved onto another destination while the rest enjoyed another day and night in Whitby and the surrounding area, oh to be retired!

It was a weekend full of laughter in the company of good friends! Already looking forward to the next one!

Saltburn By The Sea. A water operated lift and a little train. Men heaven!

The harbor town of Whitby which was the inspiration for Dracula!


Look Familiar!

Some of our members went to a car show at The Three Counties Show ground in? Yes, you’ve guessed it Malvern! Think the hills gave it away!



We were back in our new venue for the November meeting and once again it was very well attended.

The meeting took it usual format with updates from Jonathan on the recent GL meeting and on some upcoming events for next year.

We then had our raffle before it was time to hand over to our quiz master David Rhodes and after four very different rounds which included questions on the Royal Family and TV programs the winning team was declared!

Congratulations to John and Jane Bell, Mike and Pauline Grimes. Phil Bateman and Bernard Hayward.

It was once again a very enjoyable event and I would like to thank David for hosting it. Same time next year then David?


A few of our members visited the NEC for the Classic Motor Show and got to see TS2 on the TR Register stand. I particularly like all the photos of her journey round the country.


Jonathan and I attended the recent group leaders meeting at Gaydon on 6th November, a relaunch of the March meeting.

All Register members will have now received notification form the club chairmen of the intent bring forward the changes at the AGM in April this year The TR Register needs to re-invent itself and move with the times otherwise it will cease to exist and the committee who have been tasked to do this are working hard to make some positive changes that will be of benefit to all members.

It remains to be seen what the future will bring but we very much hope that the changes will be supported by members, but maybe it won’t be the Register quite as we know it!


A few members from the group attended the breakfast meet at Hopley House. Approximately 20 cars turned out on a dry but cool morning. The Breakfast was enjoyed by all.


Congratulations to Hamish Roscoe on another good year of hill climbing, he has achieved second place in the championship and was also fastest from standing start to 65 feet! Impressive! Don’t sit next to him at the traffic lights he’s gone before you are even in first gear!


David Bailey is in the midst of a major rebuild of a TR5 at the moment. Here is just one photo to whet your appetite. There are plenty more on the Facebook group!

Hugh Tasker has fitted a hard top complete with sun roof to a TR6.


We rounded off the year with our annual Christmas lunch at The Antrobus Arms. Sadly, due to illness some of us couldn’t make it but as you can see by the pictures a good time was had by all!

Please click here for pdf version: 1-2022-RED-ROSE-RAMBLINGS-ANNUAL.pdf

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times