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Red Rose Bulletin - September 2021

Red Rose Bulletin - September 2021

It’s that time again everyone!

Well summer is drawing to a close, the nights are drawing in and the weather can only be described as changeable!

However here at Red Rose we have still been out and about between the showers enjoying our cars.

August Round Up

The International

The main event this month was the International Weekend which this year saw a welcome return to Malvern. We teamed up with TSSC and MGCC this time and the event turned out to be a big success.

The weather was kind to us and you really couldn’t ask for a better setting than the Malvern Hills. The roads are perfect for driving a classic car and there are lots of nice pubs and restaurants.

Red Rose members were out in force and it was a great opportunity to meet up with everyone and have a catch up.

Once again our cars stood out in the Concourse event and there were prizes for three of our members.

Mike and Carole Biddulph came first in the Pride of Ownership with the lovely Brenda who has the shiniest wheels I have ever seen!

Myself and Jonathan came second in the masters and won the trophy for car the judges would most like to take home, and Pete Knapper came first in the none standard TR2/3.

The whole event had good vibe about it ,very busy and well organised with good onsite facilities for those who were camping.

The Auto Solo proved very popular and the smell of burning rubber and the screech of brakes filled the air!

It’s a new venue next year and the dates are on the Register website so let’s hope it’s just as good!

Tatton Park

Unfortunately rain was the order of the day on Saturday so the gazebo was well used. Although I have heard it’s sprung a few leaks! It might be time for a new one ! There were only ten cars on the stand but everyone still had a great day and Mike Biddulph picked up a prize in Brenda in the best sports car category.

After a damp start Sunday turned out much brighter and there were 15 cars on display and J Cox picked up the prize for best 60’s sports car with his TR5.

Thanks again to Bernard for organising the tickets, Phil and Bernard for manicuring the grass and those who transported banners, boards and the gazebo.

North West Region 50th Anniversary

We rounded off the month in style with the much anticipated delayed 50th birthday celebrations.

The day began with an open afternoon at TR Bitz where Craig, Johnny and the team had all gone to so much trouble to make the event a success.

The work shop looked fantastic and everyone enjoyed looking at all the cars, and getting lots of advice. The sun shone and the food and prosecco went down very well.

We met up with friends old a new and one member in particular made a very welcome appearance. Bill Redrobe could hardly leave his car for the flock of people wanting to talk to him! It was lovely to see him and his son Michael. Sadly they couldn’t squeeze Anne in the TR but we hope to see her very soon.

A huge thanks to Craig and Johnny for doing this for us it really got the event off to a great start.

For those who had booked into the hotel we then set off on a scenic run through the Cheshire countryside and arrived in time for check in.

We all donned our best bib and tucker and met up for drinks followed a by an evening that shall never be forgotten.

There was a quiz, a raffle, speeches, photographs and lots of fun and laughter.

All I am going to say on the meal is “what happened at the Portal stays at the Portal”

It was eventful to say the least and no doubt you will all hear the tale at some point!

After a good nights sleep and a full English it was off to Oulton Park to enjoy a full day of racing at The Gold Cup.

We had 47 cars on the stand including TS2 which attracted a lot of attention! We had a raffle, car prizes, awards and a bucks fizz afternoon tea .It was a bit chilly but it didn’t rain.

I thought a few people were going to end up coming home with a new car as there was quite a few attending the auction! Us included but I managed to drag Jonathan away before he could raise his hand on the Healy!

The event was a great success and Jonathan and I would like to thank everyone who helped to make the two days so great. In particular Bob for sorting out the Gold Cup Tickets and the seven hour trip bring up TS2 from Didcot, Carole and Mike for sorting the music and helping with the run plus the raffle and photos. Also thanks to all those who donated the fantastic prizes including the beautiful quilt made for us by Ann Thorpe and to the team in the gazebo on Monday doing the Scones and sorting out the raffle.

But most of all we would like to thank each and every person who came as without you all coming we wouldn’t have had an event to celebrate!

Coming up

Run From Antrobus Village Hall Sunday September 5th

We received the following email from the organisers of this run which is this Sunday. (If you would like to join us please email us and we will send you a copy of the run to print out).

We are very pleased to say that we will be able to do a run this year, though it will be a bit different from usual, as volunteer run Antrobus Village Hall is not fully open yet. Hopefully next year we will be able to go back to our lovely breakfasts and concours there.

The 2021 run will be on SUNDAY 5 SEPTEMBER starting at 11.30am from ANTROBUS VILLAGE HALL CAR PARK ON KNUTSFORD ROAD.

The timing is to avoid clashing with the opening of the Village Shop, so please do not arrive before 11am. Toilets will be open in the Village Hall for us to use before we set off. There will be no formal concours.

We will be doing the same run as in 2019, which everyone seemed to enjoy. There will be NO CHARGE for the run as it is a repeat.

You may recall that Sutton Hall were very accommodating in 2019 and they have kindly agreed to make their car park available to us - we will arrive there at lunchtime. They have had as hard a time as everywhere else in hospitality, so we would ask you to PLEASE support them by booking lunch there. We have been twice since the 2019 run for good meals and have booked a table for 5 September already. We imagine we will be there around 1pm but please make your own judgement based on your car!

You should book your own lunch, we will not be arranging the lunch bookings. The website is and it is much easier to book via the website rather than by phone.

After lunch we can return to Antrobus using the second half of the run.

We do hope that you and your wonderful cars will be able to join us - it was very disappointing not to be able to do a run in June but it will be great to get one in before winter is upon us!!

September meeting Sunday 19th

Note the change of date! we will be meeting on the 19th NOT the 12TH!

I have been in touch with the landlady at The Cock ‘Budworth and she is more than happy to welcome us back in our old room .Unfortunately they have a 65th birthday party booked in on Sunday the 12th so we have moved it to the following week when we hope to see as many of you as possible. Normal service will resume in October.

Proposed Autumn leaves Run

We are still hoping to have an Autumn Leaves this year to The Great British Car Journey in Derbyshire.

We are still ironing out the final details with the other groups in the region but we will have more details very soon so watch this space!

Before I go I would like to say Bon Voyage! To all those going on the Scotland trip.

Stay safe everyone and drive carefully and we will see you all soon.

Please click here for pdf version: Red Rose Bulletin - September 2021

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times