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Red Rose Bulletin - November 2020

Red Rose Bulletin - November 2020



Hello Red Rose!

We hope you and your families are all safe and well and coping with whatever restrictions we are under when this goes out!

We would like to start this bulletin with an apology. Due to Jonathan’s very busy work schedule and an ongoing family situation we have been unable to do a bulletin for a few months, however things are a little less hectic now and despite living in one of the worst areas in the country for COVID cases we are both healthy and as of next week will be living under tier 2 whatever that may mean!

Not a great deal has happened over the last few months and sadly many more events were cancelled due to COVID including the NEC car show in Birmingham but some of us did manage to get to a few car related events during September to end the car season in style.

Jonathan also managed to buy a new gear box for the TR2 the day before lockdown 2. It is currently residing with Peter Cox awaiting renovation.


The Weaver Wander eventually took place on Saturday 12th September and it was lovely to meet up with some fellow Red Rose members for a run and a socially distanced picnic and chat in the sunshine at Hanklow Hall.

Weaver Wander Red Rose Cars


The Bear Town Road cruise on the 27th September was a new run for this year and with the support and backing of the local constabulary, The Environmental Health Organisation and Tatton Park the organisers were able to pull off an extremely enjoyable and COVID secure event that was once again well attended by Red Rose members.

They should be commended for ensuring the road cruise went ahead and for the planning and high level of organisation on the day.

It is definitely an event that will be on our calendar for next year.


For the first time ever the AGM took place virtually this year!

We think that this is something that should be continued going forward as not only would it cut costs dramatically but it would also enable more members to attend, including those from overseas and those of us who don’t have the time to attend in its usual format.

This would help to make the register more inclusive and accessible for all which is something that was discussed at the group leaders meeting back in March as being of high importance to all club members.


Sadly we won’t be having our usual celebrations this year so why not post a photo of what you’re doing to celebrate on facebook. Let’s see your Christmas trees and house lights! Though I suspect the Biddulphs will take some beating!


According to Boris we can hear the sounds of a distant bugle that heralds the arrival of the cavalry with a vaccine! (Where does he get these lines from?!!)

With that in mind let’s turns our thoughts to next year. Events and car shows are all ready starting to be advertised so keep your eyes peeled and let us know if there is anything you think the group would be interested in attending.


Under normal circumstances our AGM is always held in January but we are hoping to have it in March instead, all depending on the current restrictions at the time of course.

The format will have to be a little different and sadly there will be no Red Rose annual to give out this year. We have really enjoyed doing it over Christmas the last few years but hopefully it will be back next year even better than before!

We are still hoping to give out awards but with fewer car related ones and more for anyone who has contributed to the club or the community during the pandemic.

Any suggestions for awards or nominees would be much appreciated.


The International next year will once again be in Malvern and the dates have now been confirmed as 13th -15th August

Attendance is sure to be high due to it being such a popular location and we would advise booking accommodation early.


TS2 is going to be travelling round Britain next year and will be stopping off with Red Rose for a couple of days in the summer.

It has been suggested that we take it on a run through Cheshire up to the South Lakes for the next handover and we are hoping that as many members as possible will be able to join us on route. We will post further details nearer the time once they have been finalised.

We have also been lucky enough to secure TS2 for our postponed 50th anniversary event over the August bank holiday weekend which we hope will be able to go ahead as by then we should have all had the jab and social distancing and face masks will be no more. I think we may have all forgotten what each other looks like by then! Let’s hope we have more than the anniversary to celebrate!

2020 has been a challenge to say the least and we have missed seeing all our Red Rose friends at the meetings and events this year.

Have a safe and socially distanced Christmas and we will raise a glass on New Year’s Eve to wish for 2021 to be both happy and healthy for all of us.

Take care, stay safe and we will see you all next year!




We were sent the following email and Jonathan has since spoken to the gentleman concerned and he was happy for us to include this in the bulletin.

If anyone is interested please email us and we can pass on your details

“I have a 1968 TR5 which I purchased in 1996; it’s as original as can be having had a full restoration prior to my purchase. I had it converted to unleaded, new shock absorbers etc, there is a big fat file on everything that’s been done going back 30-40 years. It’s not concourse but in excellent and drivable condition.

I’m looking to change it ideally for a TR2 long door (short nose) with a cash difference settlement and was wondering if this idea might be of interest to anyone in your circle.

I live in Cheshire and will happily show it to any interested party or send photos etc. I would obviously look at an outright purchase”



PIease click here for pdf version: Red-Rose-Bulletin-November-2020.pdf

Red Rose Group

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