Click here for details of the British Motor Show, Farnborough.

Events Calendar 2020

Events Calendar 2020

ed Rose Group events are noted in red. Any members who have events they would like including on the events list, have suggestions, or are willing to volunteer to organise an event or run, please email details to Jonathan & Caroline Smith at

Regular event updates and details will be posted on the Red Rose Group Facebook page, the TR Register Website and in the Red Rose Monthly Bulletins.

All Red Rose event details and updates will be posted on the Red Rose Group Facebook page, the TR Register Website and in the Red Rose Monthly Bulletins (available on Facebook and the TR Register Red Rose Group web page).

If you require any further information regarding events, please email Caroline and Jonathan at

Please click here for pdf version: RED-ROSE-2020-EVENTS-CALENDAR.pdf

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times