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Red Rose Bulletin - February 2019

Red Rose Bulletin - February 2019


Our first meeting of the year was also the AGM and we had quite a turn out with a full meeting room at the Cock at Budworth! Thank you to everyone who turned up and we hope that you will be joining us for the events meeting on the 10th February – (Refer to February meeting details below for more information)

February Events Meeting 10th February at the Cock at Budworth

The events team are hoping as many of you as possible will be able to attend the events meeting on the 10th February as this is the one to be at to get all the latest news and details of upcoming events.

The Red Rose Events schedule will be available together with booking forms for shows and events including updates on regular events and a few new ones for 2019.

We already have a few volunteers for monthly meeting and Thursday runs but we need as many suggestions as possible for Drive it Day, Autumn Leaves and Sunday runs which will be difficult to top after last years successful joint group trip to Crich Tramway Museum and the Autumn Leaves run to RAF Cosford plus the Sunday runs to Ansom engine Museum, Salt Works vintage day and many more.

If you are considering volunteering or have a suggestion for a run or an event email Jonathan / Caroline at

Red Rose is changing and growing as a club and we will be providing feedback on the 2019 questionnaires completed at the AGM. If you have any thoughts or ideas about events you would like Red Rose to be involved with why not come along on the 10th February.

Don't be shy whatever the weather we promise you a warm welcome


The January meeting got underway with Jonathan giving a light hearted summary of the year. I am sure that everyone who was at the meeting would agree that there are a lot of opportunities for everyone at Red Rose with a wide selection of events throughout the year and if you haven't already done so please take some time to look at the Red Rose Ramblings 2018 annual on Facebook or on the TR Register Red Rose web page to see what we got up to in 2018.


Group Leader

  • Jonathan Smith

Deputy Group Leader

  • Tim Davies


  • John Leleu

Fund Raising

  • Mike and Pauline Grimes

Red Rose Bulletin / TR Action report

  • Jonathan / Caroline Smith


  • Caroline Smith
  • Mike / Carole Biddulph
  • Sandra Baran
  • Bob Eccles


  • Chris Briggs

New members Secretary

  • Tim Davies

Web Site Editor

  • Phil Moss

Face Book Administrator

  • Caroline Smith

The current Red Rose committee members were unanimously re-elected for 2019.

Treasurers Report

John Leleu presented a summary of the club accounts for 2018 and confirmed that over the last three years the events and activities enjoyed by the club have been successful in bringing the club funds to a suitable level with the raffle being a primary source of fund raising in 2018.

Expenditure in 2019 is anticipated to be reduced compared to recent years and the aim is to retain funds at or slightly above the level they have attained.

Once the formalities of the AGM were over the meeting quickly moved onto the main event. The 2019 Red Rose awards with a revised format and a number of new awards.

Mike Connery Plate

Voting was very tight for the best run of the year with nine runs to choose from. Winners were Jonathan and Caroline Smith for the Drive It Day joint group run to Crich Tram way museum with Stoke and Trent groups. Second place was again taken by Jonathan and Caroline for the Autumn Leaves run to RAF Cosford with Richard and Sian Chandler picking up third place for the Summer Run to the Cai Dai Museum.

If you have a place you would like to visit in 2019 or would like to organise an event or short run after the monthly meetings email Jonathan /Caroline at or joint us at the events meeting on Sunday 10th February.

Red Rose Cup

The Red Rose Cup was awarded to John and Jane Leleu in recognition of John's abilities as Club treasurer to restrain Jonathan's spending over the last few years, production of the marque plaques which were a great success at last year's car shows and the much anticipated trip to the Isle of White scheduled for June this year.

New Contributors Award

This was a new award for 2019 for members who have for the first time made a contribution to the club. The award was presented to Richard and Sian Chandler who took on the organisation of the summer run; supported TR Fest and Sian also knitted squares for the women's refuge.

Red Rose Group – Club / Marque Promotion award

Another new award for 2019, The Club Promotion Award was presented to two members, David and Tracie Bailey & Hamish and Suzie Roscoe. David races his orange TR4 in the Swinging Sixties Race series and Hamish races in the Remington TR series in his TR3A.

Both took home some liquid refreshment to share with their understanding and supporting wives in recognition of their efforts in the race series and for promoting the club and marque.

Red Rose Award for support of the group in a particular activity

This year a hamper was awarded to Mike and Pauline Grimes who took over the raffle in 2018 from Bill and Anne Redrobe. Anyone who has attended one of our monthly meetings will know what a hard act this was to follow but also how important the raffle is to the club in ensuring we are able to continue offering a wide range of events.

Broken Spanner Award

For the first time in a few years there were a number of potential contenders for this award with Group leader Jonathan, Area Director Bob and Ken Harrison almost but not quite making the cut. This year's clear winner was John Leleu for fulfilling the requirement of failure to proceed.

Red Rose Facebook Group Prize Draw

This year's Facebook prize draw was won by Tracie Lamb, a worthy winner who regularly contributes to the face book group and attend events / meetings. Tracy opted for the £20 Marks and Spacer voucher as opposed to the Moss voucher which we are sure their TR3 would have preferred.

We will be running the Facebook draw again next year and to ensure you are eligible to enter you need to place a posting on the Facebook page in 2019.

The ongoing commitment and help of the following members was also noted and appreciated by the committee team:

  • Gordon and Hazel Bailey for securing a temporary meeting venue during the renovation of the Antrobus Arms and John and Jane Bell for proposing the Cock at Budworth and a suitable new venue.
  • All those who helped with 2018 TR Fest were thanked and hopefully with everyone's continued support TR fest will be back in 2020.
  • Bill and Anne Redrobe for their longstanding commitment to the group, monthly raffle / fundraising which has funded a number of events over the last few years.
  • Andrew Haywood for his continuing support organising the Manchester car show and Car Fest Red Rose / TR Register stand.
  • Anne and John Thorpe for encouraging the club to support a women's refuge by knitting squares for blankets. Anne presented an example of the blankets produced with the support of the club and thanked all those who had made a contribution. Anne also donated some of our calendars to the refuge.

The meeting was closed by Jonathan who once again thanked everyone who has supported the club and attended events over the last year and concluded that with everyone's continued support the club will continue to grow and offer a wide range of opportunities for all.

Bereavement -Tony Lambert

Sadly Tony Lambert passed away in January following a short illness and will be missed by all that knew him. Tony was an active member of the Red Rose Group and organised The Children in Need Car Fest event for the TR register for a number of years. Tony regularly attended Red Rose Group and TR Register events in his TR4 and will be remembered for his enthusiastic approach to life, his charity work, love of photography and The Goodwood Festival which he religiously attended in his TR4 not to mention his delicious award winning cakes most recently enjoyed at TR Fest.

Funeral arrangements are as yet to be announced and details will be posted on the Facebook page and the TR Register Website when they are available.

Red Rose Ramblings 2018 Annual

Red Rose Ramblings 2018 Annual is now available to download on the TR Register Red Rose website and also on the Red Rose Facebook page. If you haven't already read this year's annual it is well worth a read and you may even be mentioned!

Red Rose Facebook Group

Thank you to those who joined the Red Rose Facebook group in 2018. We now have over 108 members.

Why not join? We will be announcing event details and updates through the year on the Facebook page and all TR Register members are encouraged to join and share details of their cars and events they have attended. We will be running the Facebook draw again next year and to ensure you are eligible for a place you need to place a posting on the Facebook page in 2019.

Red Rose Calendar

We still have a few copies of the calendar left at the bargain price of £5 so it's not too late to secure your copy. If you can't make the meeting just email us at and we will post one out to you.

Red Rose Photograph Competition – 10th March Meeting

The photo competition and the resulting Red Rose Calendar has been a big success over the last two years and THE CLOCK IS TICKING IF YOU WANT TO ENTER!

We need your entries by Friday 1st of March at the latest to allow for printing in advance of the 10th March meeting.

Entrants are limited to three photos each (6 max for couples) and these should be in an electronic format with quality / file size as high as possible. The top thirteen photos, voted for at the March meeting will be included within the 2020 Red Rose Calendar and also posted on the facebook page each month.

Please provide details of when and where the photo was taken along with a suitable caption. Email your photo's to

Events List, January, February and March


  • 10 February – Red Rose Cock at Budworth Events Meeting from 12 mid day
  • 10 February - Stoneleigh Park MG, Triumph spares day (TR Register)
  • 17 February – Huddersfield Auto jumble, Phoenix Fairs


  • 10 March – Red Rose Cock at Budworth meeting and Photograph Competition (Tim, Karen Davies) - email for details
  • 22, 23, 24 March – Practical Classics Restoration Show - NEC Birmingham (TR Register)
  • 24 March – Huddersfield Auto jumble, Phoenix Fairs

There's a lot to look forward to this year at Red Rose and if you are thinking of attending any of the meetings, monthly runs or events we can promise you a warm welcome.

Please click here for the pdf version: Red-Rose-Bulletin-February-2019.pdf

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times