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Red Rose Ramblings Annual Report 2018

Red Rose Ramblings Annual Report 2018


Please click here for the full pdf version which includes photos: 2018-RED-ROSE-RAMBLINGS-ANNUAL.pdf

It has been a busy year at Red Rose and hopefully once the festivities are over you will find some time to look back at what we have been up to in 2018.

2019 kicks off with our AGM at the Cock at Budworth on the 13th January with a new format and lots of new awards and prizes for those who have made a contribution to the group in 2018, Come along and join us. You never know it could be you going home with an award or prize.

Red Rose events schedule will be available at our meeting on the 10th February and we can promise you a packed schedule with something for everyone.

Red Rose is changing and growing and there is something for everyone, even if you don't regularly attend meetings or events, so why not take advantage of the opportunities the group offers and come along and join us at one of our meetings – We promise you a warm and friendly welcome

All the best for the New Year and Happy TR Motoring for 2019

Jonathan Smith – Red Rose Group Leader


Our first meeting of the year and last at the former Antrobus Arms was the AGM and we had quite a turn out with standing room only!

The January meeting got underway with Bob Eccles officially stepping down as Red Rose Group Leader and Jonathon Smith being unanimously voted in as the new Group leader. Jonathan's first role was to present Bob with an engraved tankard and a framed photo of his TR6 in appreciation of the support he has given the group over the years.

The Red Rose Cup was presented to Phil Moss for his work on the website. If you haven't been on the clubs website recently it's well worth a look. Bob Eccles received The Mike Connery Plate for his Coast to Coast weekend, and flowers were presented to Caroline Smith, Carole Biddulph and Ann Thorp for various services to the club throughout the year.

Along with the usual raffle we had the much anticipated Facebook draw! Everyone who joined the Facebook page in 2017 was entered and the winner was Anita Rolfe.

Everyone at the AGM received a questionnaire so we could get some feedback and ideas about what people do or indeed do not want to do as a club.

2018 Committee members

Group Leader

  • Jonathan Smith
  • Deputy Group Leader

  • Tim Davies
  • Treasurer

  • John Leleu
  • Fund Raising

  • Mike and Pauline Grimes
  • Red Rose Bulletin / TR Action report

  • Jonathan / Caroline Smith Events
  • Caroline Smith
  • Mike / Carole Biddulph
  • Sandra Baran
  • Bob Eccles
  • Shows

  • Chris Briggs
  • New members Secretary

  • Tim Davies
  • Web Site Editor

  • Phil Moss
  • Face Book Administrator

  • Caroline Smith


    Whilst the Antrobus Arms was undergoing a significant refurbishment, with the help of Gordon and Hazel Bayley, we were fortunate to secure the use of a private function room at the Hazel Pear Inn near Acton Bridge.

    Despite some rather inclement weather conditions and the move from the Antrobus Arms the February Events meeting was extremely well attended with two TR'S braving the snow and rain.

    The owner Paul made us all very welcome and it proved a great alternative venue.


    March started with the arrival of the Beast from the East resulting in the last minute cancellation of The TR Register Group Leaders meeting.

    We were back at The Hazel Pear for our March meeting with an excellent turnout for the return of the photograph competition, although I think it may have been warmer outside than it was in the room! The results were as follows... In 1st place was David and Tracie Bailey, 2nd was Mike and Carole Biddulph and in 3rd place it was Hamish Roscoe and Suzy Kelly. The Red Rose 2019 Calendar is now available which includes all of the top thirteen photos – email Jonathan and Caroline at if you would like a calendar at the bargain price of £5.

    1st Place David and Tracie Bailey

    3rd Hamish and Suzie Roscoe 2nd Mike and Carol Biddulph


    Despite the inclement weather there was a good turnout at the NEC for the Practical Classics Restoration Show on the 23, 24, 25 March with the TR Register Stand looking, as always, very impressive with a great display of cars


    April was a very busy month at Red Rose with the arrival of spring and the start of the classic car season.

    Our April meeting saw us return to a very different looking Antrobus Arms! It was barely recognizable after its makeover and whilst the new venue was not as hoped all agreed that the new owners had worked extremely hard over the winter to bring the venue up to date although the our former meeting room was greatly missed by all.

    The first post meeting run of the year was a visit to The Ansom Engine Museum which was kindly organized by John and Anne Thorp. There was a great turn out of cars enjoying the early spring sun shine and we are sure that those who attended will agree that the museum is extremely interesting and well worth a visit


    Jonathan and Caroline attended the rescheduled group leaders meeting at Gaydon motor museum which was the perfect venue for a car club and the meeting itself was very interesting with much to talk about.

    The group leaders meeting provided the opportunity to meet up with other register members and hear their views on a variety of subjects including what to do with TS2, data protection and much more! There were lots of healthy discussions and debates and the management team assured everyone that they are listening to our views!

    Drive It Day 22nd April

    Our Drive it Day run was a huge success with Jonathan and Caroline organizing a joint event with Stoke and Trent groups at Crich Tramway Museum. We met up with Stoke on route and Trent was waiting for us when we arrived.

    The museum is a hidden gem of social history and the Trams themselves have been beautifully restored. We all took advantage of the unlimited rides and most of us visited the old fashioned sweet shop and went for some refreshments in the pub and tea rooms.

    It is well worth a visit and I know many members are planning a return trip.

    For those who were brave enough there was then a very exciting run to The Knights Table for dinner which involved a few off piste roads and one or two fords! Some deeper than others!

    40 people enjoyed a very tasty and extremely hearty roast dinner and we are planning a return visit!

    I think I speak for everyone when I say that it was great to do an event with other clubs and I hope it's something we will do more of in the future.



    The long awaited barbeque summer we have been promised for so long finally arrived.

    Red Rose members made the most of the sunny weather attending events across the country.

    Due to a prior commitment (Ludlow Marches classic car / beer festival) Group leader Jonathan was not at the May Antrobus meeting and Bob Eccles was unfortunately called up to Scotland in his role as a TR Register Regional Director. Bobs trip proved to be a little more

    complex than anticipated with a return trip later in the month resulting in the acquisition of a TR2 which we understand requires a little TLC. A healthy contingent of cars did however turn up for the May meeting and there was much discussion re forthcoming events including TR Fest

    With the events season now in full swing Red Rose cars attended the ever popular Traws weekend (an event which will be sadly missed in 2019), the Marches Spring Festival in Ludlow and a great turnout at Gawsworth Hall Car Show

    Over the May bank holiday weekend we had six cars on The Weaver Wander navigational run although one car didn't arrive home quite as planned due to a faulty fuel line – A possible contender for this year broken spanner award.

    Three cars spent a lovely sunny day at Capesthorn Classic Car and Bike Show.


    June arrived and was not so flaming for the first day of the Tatton Park Car Show! A bit of a soggy start but things did improve and by Sunday the sun was shining. We had about 30 cars attending over the two days which didn't exactly test Tony's parking skills!

    Our June meeting, the last at the Antrobus Arms, was very well attended and we welcomed two new members Elissa and Anthony along with their TR7.We also welcomed back Phil Leech who was visiting us from his home in France. The post meeting run to the Lion Salt Works, kindly organized by Keith Nuttal, was a great success and we are hoping to return in 2019

    Six Red Rose cars attended this year's Peaks and Dale's Classic Car Run organized by the Hare and Hounds Classic Car Club. Anyone who hasn't yet attended this event should give it a try as it is well organized with a wide range of vehicles enjoying a scenic run through the Derbyshire Dales ending at the Pavilion Gardens in Buxton

    MG Car Club Classic car meet at the Plough and Flail was well attended with Chris and Sandra Briggs bringing home the trophy for best Non MG at the Show with their freshly restored TR4A. Chris and Sandra had just returned from Europe covering over 2500 miles in their TR6. They must surely own one of the best travelled TR's in the group

    Red Rose was at this year's Lymm Historic Transport festival on Sunday 24th of June. Whilst most of you were cheering England on to their 6-1 win in the world cup, Red Rose were also winners with Jonathan and Caroline's TR4 winning the award for best Triumph at the show


    Well what should we start with! The new group meeting venue, the football, the weather or the IWE? The new meeting venue at the Cock at Budworth was a great success , football speaks for its self, the weather was nothing short of glorious however the IWE left a lot to be desired with a poor turnout (again) and a very disappointing Pistons in the Park

    There was however a lot going on at Red Rose in July. – READ ON


    The IWE once again ruffled a few feathers with mixed feelings regarding the venue, food and facilities, We have been promised a reinvigorated IWE for 2019 with a joint venture with the TSSC at Stratford upon Avon Race course on the 16th, 17th and 18th of August

    Despite the mixed feelings at the IWE Red Rose members did us proud once again. In the Pride of Ownership category Laurie Wardle came first with his TR2 as did Mike and Carole Biddulph with their beautiful TR4A Brenda with Jonathan Smith getting the runner up in his TR4. Peter Knapper was awarded runner up in the Masters category and he also won the judges choice award. Congratulations to them all!


    Red Rose officially moved home and we had our first meeting at The Cock @ Budworth on the 8th July. It was a huge success with lots of regulars turning out to give their support and there were some new faces joining us for the first time.


    Our summer run on the 15th July, despite the poor turnout, proved to be a fabulous day partly due to the excellent organization by Richard and Sian Chandler but also the fabulous summer weather. The day started at The Rugg Estate where there was time for a coffee and some breakfast before setting off. We stopped off for lunch at The Chocolate House and then it was on to The Cai Dai 1950's Museum. This was a hidden gem! Very quirky and well worth a visit if you haven't been. We rounded off the day with a lovely meal in a thatched pub. Thanks to Sian and Richard for all their hard work.

    For those who didn't attend we have managed to secure some original old stock from the Cai Dai 1950's Museum including the latest night ware for the ladies and also body control ware for the men – Full details are below

    Le Mans Classic - ONLY BOYS ALLOWED!

    Tony Shearin once again organized the bi annual trip to Le Mans.

    Quite a few beers must have been consumed given the absence of any actual racing pictures!

    Car Fest North, Bolesworth Castle

    Car Fest north was once again a great event. Thanks to Andrew Haywood for taking on the organization once again. Red Rose cars were in attendance throughout the weekend and the impeccable display of TR's organized by Andrew drew much attention. Weather, music and company all combined to make a brilliant day. Hopefully it will be back next year.

    Wedding Bells and Birthdays

    Red Rose Racers Hamish and Suzie Roscoe tied the knot on the 14th July we wish them every happiness for the future. They weren't the only ones with a special occasion to celebrate in July though. Our former group leader Bob Eccles was 80 years young! Hard to believe I know! He tried to keep it quiet but we marked the occasion anyway by presenting him with a card a bottle of whiskey


    August arrived and with it the main event for us TR Fest! Once again the weather was kind to us and a great day was had by all.

    We started off in the morning with a run organized by Carole and Mike Biddulph then in the afternoon it was time for the hog roast and lots of cake! There was also tombola a raffle and lots of fun and games in the sun!

    Thank you to everyone who supported the event by bringing their cars and cake!

    It didn't take long to work our way through this giant Hog! With second and even third helpings for some!

    Our worthy winners taking their places on the podium with prizes for cars and cakes whilst the boys chilled out in the sun

    Thanks also to our team of volunteers who we literally couldn't have done the event without.

    All being well, and with your support, TR the Fest will be back in 2020!


    We had cars in attendance at Tatton Park where we won 2nd best stand in the show! And we were also at Oulton Park for the Gold Cup where we joined TR forces with Stoke, Shropshire, Cumbria and North Wales groups making us the largest one make stand!


    September was another busy month with cars attending Haughton Tower and Cholmondeley Castle where we joined the Shropshire group to create quite an impressive stand! There were also Red Roser's at Victoria Park in Widnes and on The Walled Towns run making the most of the late September sunshine

    The September meeting at the Cock of Budworth was again well attended

    Including some new members, Linda and Peter who came in their TR5 and also Madeline and Eddie who some of you met at TR Fest. The meeting was followed by a short run to Riverside Organics were we all got rather wet in the scramble to put hoods and umbrellas on the cars due to a very heavy and sudden downpour! Thank you to Mike Biddulph for organizing the run and for taking us somewhere with such nice cake!


    Red Rose members were keeping busy in October attending all things car related. The TR's at The Manchester Classic Car show looked very impressive and new members Linda and Peter Stringer were exhibiting their TR5 on the TSSC stand next door.

    High Legh Garden Centre hosted a festival of Transport and it was nice to see Laurie Wardle there in his TR2 representing Red Rose.

    October 1st was the North Wales Walled Towns Run, a first for us and I would highly recommend it. The event is extremely well organized with a good range of cars. It is a very popular event though so if you would like to go next year I would advise booking early as places are limited. Information is usually posted via their facebook page.

    Our Autumn Leaves Run on 7th October was a big success with 16 cars meeting up at Blakemere craft centre for a run to RAF Cosford. Quite a few members took advantage of the all you can eat buffet breakfast before we set off. It was a beautiful sunny day if a little on the chilly side and the run took us along some lovely roads with amazing views.

    The museum itself is very impressive and well worth a visit if you haven't been. It is free to get in and you could easily spend over half a day there. We finished up the day with a run back to The Alvenley Arms for a meal.

    The October meeting was to have been proceeded by a meet up at Alderford Lake with a run back to the pub, but due to the adverse weather conditions we had to cancel. We hope to attend one of the meetings in 2019 though.

    The meeting was well attended by lots of our regular members and some of our newer ones made a return visit! Nice to see we didn't scare them off! We also had two new members Bob and Trevor. A warm welcome to them both and we look forward to seeing them again soon.


    Once again the Classic Car Show at the NEC proved to be a very popular event. The stand was looking good and there were some nice cars on show and lots of trade stands to browse around. The TR youth team had a stand for the first time and they did us proud by winning a prize! They are the future of the club and should be commended for all the effort they put in to making the stand look so good

    The November Red Rose meeting could only mean one thing the annual Quiz! Thank you to David Rhodes for once again taking on the role of quiz master. The questions this year were all related to 1968 which is the year David was born and as usual they were very difficult with no team getting a perfect score but the many brains in the winning team came close!

    A few faces we haven't seen for a while made a welcome return and we had our usual raffle and updates on forthcoming events.


    The festive season saw our inaugural Christmas lunch at The Cock

    At Budworth with 54 sitting down for what proved to be a delicious meal. Christmas jumpers and hats were worn and there was a great atmosphere. We had a bumper addition of the raffle and collected for our chosen charities.

    2018 has seen Red Rose change and grow as group and we are looking forward to welcoming you all back in 2019.


    January 13th AGM, February 10th Events, March 10th Photo competition,

    April 14th , May 12th, June 9th, July 14th, August 11th , September 8th,

    October 13th, November 10th Quiz, December 8th Christmas Lunch

    Red Rose Group

    Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times