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Drive it Day

Drive it Day

It is essential that we get out in our classic cars on the annual Drive It Day in April, and this year we repeated the Stilton run, tracing the route taken to deliver Stilton cheese across the countryside ending, funnily enough, in the lovely village of Stilton.

The Run was as good as ever and we had a good turn out comprising Steve Denton, Mike Barnett, Tony Pszenica, John Hourd and me, Phil Pope, as well as Andy Munro, Brian Hardy and Andy Holyoak of the Leics Group.We enjoyed creating a photo shoot by lining the cars up at the end of the field at the hog roast, where we were joined by a GT6 owned by an NVTR Group member (sorry, didn't get a note of your name GT6 owner!)

Nene Valley Group

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