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Nene Valley Social Scene January/February 2018 TRAction 303

 Nene Valley Social Scene January/February 2018 TRAction 303

Writing this at the time when we all look to a new year while reflecting on the old one, I cannot help thinking what a great year 2017 has been for Nene valley TR.

Back in March we had a great presentation on the Register's website by the guru himself - Wayne Scott.

We were thrilled to join in with the Leicester Group for a visit to the Tramway Museum at Crich in April- a great day out. Our Leicester Group friends "raided" our quiz/sausage and chips night-and we were pleased to raid them back later!

We were in attendance at a number of excellent events throughout the year, such as Kimbolton Country Fayre, the Higham Ferrers show, the Silverstone Classic, Bicester Flywheel and of course the brilliant TR International weekend.

In the summer we joined our friends in the Stag Owners' Club for a morning's clay pigeon shooting followed by a pub meal. We also took them on in another pub games tournament in September-and joined them again for our annual Christmas dinner at the end of the year.

Also in the summer we enjoyed a barbeque and some aerial displays with the local model aircraft flying club.

Our membership is well-established and meetings are always well-attended and good fun. It is not easy for everyone to attend every meeting as Northamptonshire is a big place! Nevertheless, many members manage to attend on a regular basis and we always appreciate people coming out. We are moving to The Aviator in Sywell in January 2018, which, as a functional airfield with lots of history behind it will be a fantastic venue for us. Sywell is already one of our regular haunts, as we attended the Pistons and Props event there in September-always a blast!

I am sure I will have omitted some events and activities, for which I apologise in advance, but so much has happened that it can be hard to keep track.

Thanks to all our members for their efforts and support in 2017 and looking forward to more escapades, I hope everyone has a fantastic 2018.

Nene Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times