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TR Action London Group report for issue 337

TR Action London Group report for issue 337

Firstly, I was very sad to hear about the Passing of Denver Woodward, although a member of TVG he had joined us at TRLG for a number of our events and was always very good value. My favourite picture of him is attached.

That said London group has as very been rather busy over the last few weeks. Our second Group meeting of the month (February) was well attended at the Star where they gave us our own room to regale in. This of course was quickly followed by our much-anticipated Winter Health Check at Crown Classics. Due to time constraints only 12 could actually be booked on to the ramps, although in the end cars ended up being parked all around Twickenham, as about 20 odd people turned up to enjoy the crack and the food. It was especially good to see 3 “new” members, Chris Carey in his TR6 who arrived with boxes a baked goodies from his Putney Bake House store, yes we are planning an event with him later this year, Ben Wellman in his beautiful TR4A and finally Jaggi Rohit in his jasmine coloured 6 and who also joined at the Skid Pan, but more about that later.

Our next memorable event was actually our next group meeting at the Rose of York. As has been mentioned before we now meet earlier. This is so that we eat at the pub and generate a bit more income for them, which of course makes us more popular. Well on this night the Rose of York was hosting a wedding Reception and so was unable to feed us. A quick question was asked regarding permission and then 3 large Domino Pizzas were ordered along with some Fish & Chips and a right roaring evening then followed enjoying both our company and the wedding Reception’s!

After our second Group meeting at the Star another much anticipated event followed, our Skid Pan experience at Thruxton. 15 Cars were booked for the event with about 20 people attending, all of whom got to drive. Some of us met up at Fleet Service Station on the M3 and big thanks must go to John Hedden who found us a route to Thruxton with the A303 claiming to be shut. Anyway, on arrival we met up with all those who had travelled straight there, together we all enjoyed a full English breakfast in the morning Sunshine. Following a quick briefing after breakfast which included details on the “track” and our instructor informing all from London, that the green stuff around the Skid Pan is called Grass, we were released on to the Pan. Not only was this great fun but we also learnt how our cars would behave in a potentially dangerous skid, this in a perfectly safe and controlled environment. After Lunch we all drove their specially adapted Toyota GT86 with all the ABS, anti this, anti that etc switched on and then, with it all switched off!!!, WOW!!

We finished the day with a photoshoot on the start/finish straight on the full Thruxton Track all in all a great day, both fun and very informative.

As I write we have 17 Cars booked into the Brooklands Easter Gathering, about 35 people in 24 Cars attending the South Eastern Drive it Day at Chatham Dockyards and our AGM is looming in early May. So finally, then come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at The Rose of York Richmond please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site - both now start from about 7.15pm

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times