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TR Action London Group report for issue 336

TR Action London Group report for issue 336

January is usually a quite month due to the dark nights and all the salt on the roads, but London Group seems to have kept busy all the same.

We started our group meetings for the year with our annual pilgrimage to The Weir, the birthplace of the London Group, which was well attended with four TRs gracing the car park despite the wet & windy weather.

The weather improved for our second monthly meeting at The Star, where we saw nine TRs turn up – possible a record for January?

January finished with seven TRs taking a last-minute run out to Newlands Corner for breakfast at the Plucky Pheasant Cafe, taking advantage of more good weather. The gods were clearly smiling on us as no one broke down this time, which has been a regular feature of our Newland Corner outings lately!

This was followed by our first monthly meeting at The Rose of York, where new member Alex Dobbin joined us and Will Chignell managed to take a fantastic photo of the cars in the moonlight (or was it the car park floodlights?).

Finally, we have just had our annual Valentines Curry Night in Teddington, where seven couples had an excellent evening discussing TRs, parties at No. 10 and road trips to Europe (in TRs of course!).

Looking forward, by the time you read this we should have held our first post-Covid health check (for the cars!) at Crown Classics plus had an outing to the skid pan at Thruxton, with planning well in hand for our Drive It Day trip to Chatham Dockyards in April.

As always, you are very welcome to come and join us for a noggin and a natter (whatever that is) over a beer. On the first Thursday of every month at The Rose of York, Petersham Rd, Richmond TW10 6UY and then on the third Thursday at The Star, Kingston Rd, Leatherhead KT22 0DP both meetings start from 7:30pm and both serve good food.

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times