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TR Action London Group report for issue 334

TR Action London Group report for issue 334

Well, the month of October certainly started off with a bang in that both myself the Group Leader and David Boucher the TRLG Group Social Secretary set off on the Club Triumph Round Britain Reliability run, we almost made it round finally faltering with electrical issues at Warminster Esso station, enough said.

Our first group meeting at the Rose of York was well attended. It was good to see Graham Baggaley and hand over his steering wheel – that TR3A is well on the way to completion, keep it up mate. The following weekend saw our annual Conkers bash, this year at the Scarlett Arms. The conkers flew, knuckles were bashed, and hilarity followed but, in the end, all agreed that the last man (conker?) standing was our very own Treasurer (the answer is NO! – Sorry, what was the question?) Mr. Alan Jones. After his rousing round of applause, we all enjoyed a rather splendid lunch then all set off back over the Surrey Hills to home.

The third Thursday witnessed a surprisingly large turnout in the cold and rain of an October evening, where The Star had set aside their curtained off room for us which meant we could natter and noggin to our hearts content.

Finally, a group of about 6 cars met up on the last Sunday of the month at Newlands Corner to admire the stunning views, eat bacon rolls, drink lukewarm coffee and of course have a laugh!

Looking forward, you are always welcome to come and join us for a noggin and a natter (whatever that is) over a beer. On the first Thursday of every month at The Rose of York, Petersham Rd, Richmond TW10 6UY and then on the third Thursday at The Star, Kingston Rd, Leatherhead KT22 0DP both meetings start from 7:30pm and both serve good food!!

London Group

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