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TR Action London Group report for issue 325

TR Action London Group report for issue 325

So, what has London Group been up to over the last few weeks? I suppose it comes as no surprise to anyone, not much, just socially distanced Group meetings followed by Rule of Six sitting at tables Group meetings talking amongst ourselves and of course shouting at the other tables of 6! (Occupied by other TRLG members I might add, just for clarification)

All that said they have actually been great fun and the Pub although very professional has been very welcoming. It has actually made quite a nice change not having to queue at the Bar with the Bar people now coming to us to take our orders. Also of course many conversations (still observing groups of six) took place in the car park and as mentioned in our last report some of the group have been very busy fettling and polishing their cars. Myself included Terry the TR4A was really shining at our last meeting as the attached photo will testify. Following a warm balmy evening in West London with the 10.00pm curfew looming we started to depart most with roofs up myself however with my roof down just removing the Umbrella. As we left (I was giving Alan Jones a lift) a light pitter-patter of rain began to descend from the skies nothing to trouble us or worry us. However, by the time we crossed Richmond Bridge a few minutes later that pitter-patter of gentle droplets became more of an angry deluge resulting in both myself and Alan getting drenched and the urgent decision was made to put the roof on so now in very Angry rain we pulled over with good old London Traffic blasting past us. After maybe our 3rd attempt blinded by the rain and the spray and of course we cannot ignore our own ineptitude with fumbling wet slippy fingers managed to get the Surrey top up sufficiently to proceed whereupon the car steamed up, the asthmatic heater whirred into life with a gallant if totally ineffective attempt at clearing the windscreen. Thankfully a cloth was nearby

As a conclusion then a little job I must do !!........ fit an upgraded Heater matrix!

Hopefully we will have a little more to report for issue 326 but in the meantime please stay safe, look after yourselves and has been said before, thankyou to all for your friendship during these difficult times.

London Group

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