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TR Action London Group report for issue 322

TR Action London Group report for issue 322

Well, what a couple of months! Our last London Group outing before the lockdown was our trip to the TR50 photoshoot, exactly 2 months ago as I write this, and fully reported in TR Action 321.

Since then all of our activities have been cancelled, including Drive-it-Day – hopefully we can repeat the plans to visit Chatham dockyards in 2021.Of course, all these cancellations and lockdown does mean we all have a little bit more time on our hands to sort out all those things we have been meaning to do for a while.

So, to keep in touch with what little has been going on, we have resorted to Zoom meetings. Although, despite our Chairman’s statement in the last TR Action, we did not actually resort to a virtual AGM, we decided instead, as we all stood unopposed to have a great big party when this is all over. It must be said though that Mark Bulford has done a great job of “herding cats” and our two meetings to date have been well attended, with 13 participants on our first call and nearly 20 on the second.

For our last Zoom meeting, Mark requested pictures of what TRLG members had been up to. The pictures ranged from an amazing picture of 40 BA planes lined up at Bournemouth airport either having been, or about to be, serviced by none other than our own Michael Finnis, to a homemade mobile bar complete with a pump made by Rob Lord out of pallets and casters. We also had pictures of Pat Brady’s progress on his TR4 interior and I found a use for my redundant DiD rally plates…All that said though, the image that Tim Dines sent of himself sitting outside his garage surrounded by what appears to be the contents of his garage with, let’s say, a “daunted” expression is the one that I feel we can all relate the most.

Also, we have been welcoming new members and re-joiners, including John Conlon who is busy restoring a left-hand drive TR6 - hopefully we will get to see it in the flesh one day! John first owned a TR6 some 40 years ago (YRL 297J) - does anyone in the Register own it now? If so, John would love to get in touch – please drop a note to the London Group email and we will pass it on.

As well as Zoom meetings, we have reactivated the London Group Facebook page. This now has 62 members and a wide variety of lockdown posts covering topics as varied as cleaning TR6 wire wheels, a rebuilt Jaguar XK140 engine and a pink Porsche!

Obviously, we can’t currently invite you to a natter and a noggin at any of our regular haunts. So, please stay safe, stay alert, stay healthy and to TRLG members look out for more Zoom invites and go along to the TR Register London Group Facebook page and sign up, there is more to see than you think.

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times