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TR Action London Group report for issue 317

TR Action London Group report for issue 317

Well the best way to describe the last few weeks is busy, the highlight however has to be our last Group meeting at the Star Malden Rushett, why I hear you ask? because we had a very special guest, Ben Dunham. You may remember the now 17-year-old apprentice at Crown Classics who was struck down earlier this year with a brain infection that nearly killed him, well he has been making a remarkable recovery. Apparently following a recent procedure which means the he now longer needs to wear protective head gear, he visited the intensive care unit which first treated him and left a number of the staff in tears of joy saying that they never expected to see him walk in! any way it was fantastic to see him at our group meeting and I hope he was made to feel very welcome. It was certainly great to see him well on the road to recovery.

So, to other things earlier last month in preparation for next year’s 50th celebrations we had our photo shoot at Brooklands Although the forecast had been hail and thunder what transpired was the hottest day of the year thus far. Thankfully although surrounded by Brooklands concrete, we had brought one of our gazebos and as the sun moved round, we managed find some shade. It was an exciting day with mass Drive pasts, Top gear style video shoots from the back of Wayne’s Range Rover, interviews and some iconic photo shots with Concorde all of which we hope to we hope to use soon. Thanks must go to Moss Europe who sponsored this event and of course to the TR Register for their support

In addition to our 2 well attended Group meetings we also had what has to be said was one of our most hilarious pub Drive outs. Driving to a pub that we know well, and have visited many times. Ron and Debs Thorn would be joining us at the pub in Ron’s rather special Powder blue TR3A as featured in issue 315 it was all well organised, driving notes and everything. Well it is said that familiarity breeds contempt and sadly the concentration levels were nowhere near the chatter and giggles levels that were going on which led to numerous wrong turns, 3-point turns, utter confusion losing and finding each other and ultimately getting totally lost – Brilliant. Thanks, must go to Stuart Minster who thankfully had remembered to put a sat Nav in his gorgeous TR3A and thanks must also go to Maria and Nick Loizou who drove their concours winning TR6 and laughed and laughed and laughed what an absolutely brilliant day. I for one thoroughly enjoyed myself and the Scarlett Arms looked after all of us really well. It was a great sunshiny day

As I write Christmas preparations are well under way 14th December is the date booked for our party. However London Group is currently watching the weather forecast very closely as again hail & thunder is forecast for one of our forthcoming annual events the Kempton Steam Classic Car show and Steam Fair but yet again it seems like the weather might just be changing, but more about that event in the next issue.

Finally, then, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at different locations (more often than not the Rose of York in Richmond) but, please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site - both Club nights now start from about 8:30pm

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times