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TR Action London Group report for issue 315

TR Action London Group report for issue 315

I write this with the Summer Solstice looming large and our rolling calendar freshly published for the next 3 months the rather inclement weather in the UK has put paid to a few activities but the same cannot be said of Europe.

A number of TRLG cars set off to France to join in with the festivities at the 28th Circuit Historique de Laon a long weekend of Parades socialising and general bon vivere

Alan Jones our TRLG Treasurer has been a long-time devotee of this event and yet again attended the event- so over to him;

  • Friday Night. Over 800 classic cars from all over Europe converge on Laon including three cars from the London Group consisting of two red TR6's with Steve Bamforth and his son Jamie in one, Joe Galloway and his friend Mark the other and the TR3A of Alan Jones
  • Saturday Morning. All converge at the Parc Foch where we all received out packs consisting of amongst other things a plaque for the front of our cars and a cryptic direction sheet for our route to Soissons where we were to have lunch. This was a beautiful trip through the French country side down narrow roads, through open country side and through woodlands. The return drive back to Laon was somewhat marred by bouts of torrential rain. A glass of champagne was very welcome at Laon plus a display by cheer leaders.
  • Saturday Evening. An excellent meal at a restaurant for 20 people, 5 brits and 15 French people
  • Sunday. An early start enables us to park our cars in the main square opposite to the Hotel de Ville At 12 o clock the town centre is sealed of to all other traffic. At 2:00 the parade starts which is a parade of all the classic cars driving round and round the town passing lines of the towns people cheering us on (and drinking beer) to a cacophony of car horns.
  • Monday Morning. Most started the return trip home or other destinations except Joe Galloway and Mark who stayed on for the Monday Drive Day
  • As post script to Alan's precis, just after Laon his rather beautiful TR3A was used as a wedding car for his French friends' parents re-affirmation after 50 years of wedding bliss

    In addition, of course we had a well-attended Group meeting in Richmond and it was especially good to see both new member John Baker and also Tim Bailey with his son Joe in their beautiful self-restored TR3A. One word of caution however to all of you who place a wheel clamp on your car for security, it is advisable to remove it BEFORE setting off, the noise it makes as it tries to rotate around the inner wheel arch is really quite remarkable!

    Finally, then, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at different locations (more often than not the Rose of York in Richmond) but, please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site - both Club nights now start from about 8:30pm

    London Group

    Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times