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TR Action London Group report for issue 314

TR Action London Group report for issue 314

Well thanks to my splendid Social Secretary for taking the reins in the last issue, I thought it was really rather good. Any way what has been happening since our First Pub run of 2019. Well the big news is that the 2018-19 committee has been unanimously re-elected for the 2019-20 period. Our AGM filled the meeting room at the Star and following presentations of last year's events, our financial status and a review of membership voting took place. Myself as Group Leader, Steve Bamforth as Group Secretary, Alan Jones as our Treasurer and of course our Splendid Social Secretary David Boucher were all unanimously re-elected. The whole presentation by the way is on a Flickr site.

Now to much more import car events and activities, London Group had a good showing at Drive it day thanks to Steve Bamforth for organising and leading that as I was involved in the Coast to Coast Run, also in addition to our AGM we had a well-attended group meeting both events took place at the Star Malden Rushett. Bringing all up to date 6 Cars have just returned from our annual pilgrimage to SPA Franco-champs, which of course clashed with both the Brooklands Breakfast meeting and Wroxhall Manor. Earlier in the month we had a surprisingly good turn out for the Leatherhead TSSC meeting, in total about 10 cars. The surprise comes from it not appearing on our activity calendar and only being mentioned almost in passing at a group meeting, subsequent emails did follow, I suppose its really amazing what good weather can do for an event.

Finally, then, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at different locations (more often than not the Rose of York in Richmond) but, please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site - both Club nights now start from about 8:30pm

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times