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TR Action London Group report for issue 310

TR Action London Group report for issue 310

Right well as I write plans and preparations for our annual Christmas Party are well under way, the intro quiz tracks are chosen the feely bag contents are located and the menu choices are coming in. In addition, the plans for 2019 include some new exciting (we hope) activities. Keep an eye on the website. So what have we been up in the last few month? well of course we had a few club meetings the main one of course being at Crown Classics of Twickenham, who hosted a BBQ for us, both Tony & Jay made us all feel very welcome and as you can imagine 30 odd people had lots of questions for them regarding the vagaries of their TR's, and a keen appetite for Burgers, Sausages Coleslaw et al, It really was a great night. In addition, this we meet in Richmond and of course the second one at Malden Rushett, it was great to welcome new member Derek to both of our recent meetings. Also in the month on a very cold and wet evening a select few enjoyed drinks at chez Bulford followed by a short walk to one of the best Fireworks displays I have seen in a fair few years, I was especially taken when the Fireworks appeared to end, the gathered crowd began to applaud and then in short, all hell broke loose with a spell binding barrage, finally after recovering from the onslaught we enjoyed a very civilised meal at the local Chinese Restaurant after gain a short walk.

Earlier in the month approximately 12 cars attended the Brooklands Breakfast meet, we were positioned on the now not so newly completed Start/Finish straight in front of the Wellington Hangar. Not only did this meeting include a rather nice Breakfast served within the club house, but also the test hill was open. Although I don't think any of TRLG ventured up the hill we all enjoyed watching specialised Hill climb vehicles hurtle up the hill and of course the less well able but beloved Cruisers.

Finally, then, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at different locations (more often than not the Rose of York in Richmond) but, please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site - both Club nights now start from about 8:30pm

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times