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TR Action London Group report for issue 309

TR Action London Group report for issue 309

Soc.Sec.David Boucher writes: Having been asked (well told, actually!) by Obergruppenfuehrer Bulford that is was my turn to write TR London's monthly report, my immediate thought was to dish the dirt, but almost immediately a warning, nay threatening, shot was sent across my bow by Mark! So herewith a mostly factual description of our month. Notwithstanding our well-attended group meetings at the Rose of York, Richmond (1st Monday of the month) and the Star, Malden Rushett (the 3rd Thursday of the month) we started the month with a team visit to the Goodwood Breakfast Meeting on the 5th – beautiful weather for a convoy of 9 cars left our meet-up point in Ockham at 6.45am (yes, you read that right!). I had the 'honour' of chauffeuring our leader Mark on the day who started well by breaking the passenger seat mounting, so he's up for an award at the Christmas Party! 8 Cars made it to Goodwood – a good shout – for a wondrous morning of perusing the cars and over-eating – we even signed up 3 new members for the TR Register.

On the 12th, we had a display of 5 cars at the very enjoyable Cranleigh Lions Show where the weather was, surprisingly for this year, not so good, but a good time was still had by all – our display ended up 10-strong with TR members from other groups.

Our annual Fish & Chip Run to Bracklesham Bay was in sunshine this year but the rain arrived as the group were shoveling their lunch down sitting on the sea wall - sadly there was no repeat of our Tony running into the sea in his undies!

Although it was not an organized event, a few of us went along to the Goodwood Revival dressed appropriately, or in some cases inappropriately – whoever said Union Jack trousers were suitable?? There were suggestions that some people's 50s/60s outfits were in fact they're everyday clothes, but I couldn't possibly comment.

And finally, we had a pub run on the 16th to the Shurlock Inn at Shurlock Row – another sunny day with a 5-car convoy driving through leafy Surrey to a large Sunday roast – what's not to like?

Anyone & everyone welcome at our meetings for a natter & a noggin – please keep an eye on your emails or the website for details.

London Group

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