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TR Action London Group report for issue 308

TR Action London Group report for issue 308

It's been another busy month for the London Group…

Seven London Group cars were joined by a number of other brave souls and headed off to Classic Le Mans to enjoy the racing, the sun, the food and the wine – although not necessarily in that order I'm told….

Some of us also ventured up to Lincoln for the IWE and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves – many thanks to all those involved in the organisation, especially whoever booked the weather! Special mention has to go to Nick & Maria Loizou, Mike Huber, Neil Kemp and Mark Bulford for their entries in the Concours and Pride of Ownership events, with Nick & Maria coming first in the non-standard TR6 Concours class and Mike coming first in the TR7-8 Pride of Ownership class (for the umpteenth year!).

We've also taken advantage of the great weather to head up the M40 to attend the Bicester Flywheel, which goes from strength to strength. Slightly closer to home, the Warlingham Classic Car & Bike show was another great event, with Bill Linfoot's superb red 1957 TR3 winning Best in Show!

Our final event of the month was the BTM Classic Car Show & RetroJumble at Brooklands – at one point we had a dozen TRs in the TR Register area and there was a great selection of other cars and stalls to wander around. By the time you read this we will have also been to the Goodwood Breakfast Club Classic Car Sunday – hopefully the weather holds for our run down there. We should also have squeezed in another pub run somewhere in the Surrey Hills.

To wrap-up the report, our dipstick of the month award goes to our social secretary, who found out that a TR3a, despite having many great attributes, does occasionally need petrol to get to Aldi and back….

Finally, anyone is most welcome to join us for a noggin and a natter at one of our regular club nights. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the first Thursday of the month at different locations (more often than not the Rose of York in Richmond). Please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site for details of these and other events - both club nights now start from about 8:30pm.

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times